I did it and so can u!! (don't give up mamas)

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
I gave birth to my second son on Friday Aug 12. Recovery was not too great...but breastfeeding was even worse! I couldn't breastfeed my first one cuz he was allergic to everything I ate so I had to stop. With this one I decided to give it a try again...at the hospital I didn't have enough milk to feed him so he had Similac...when we got home I tried again. He latched on very bad couple times and made my nipples crack and bleed bad. Finally the milk came in and it started to build up that I had to pump it out couple times...(and it hurt). I was about to give up...I was mad and frustrated! everytime my son would latch it would hurt and whenever he ate it hurt even worse....but I still tried and tried! Now finally my little man latches on prefectly fine...and my nipples healed and are getting adjusted! yay!
I just want to stay to all mamas out there who will be or are breastfeeding to not give up! It will hurt the first couple days or weeks but it gets better I promise!


  • Happy it worked for you this time. I'm hoping fir a similar happy story *my son has a toung tie and I have just about no let down*
  • Congrats! I nursed my oldest an was so disapointd my 2nd child flat refused to nurse, I felt I had faild her. I'm nursing my newborn Whn he's born an alrdy told my husband I won't gve up this time. Glad to hear a success story on nursing, its usually horror stories.
  • Congrats :) I really want to bf my baby boy I did whit my 2 lil girls
  • @beaded_bunny I'm sending you breastfeeding success dust!! hopefully all goes good for u!
    @breewashington08 I know what u mean...my first would not take it. I'm just happy to finally experience the whole feeling of breastfeeding 24/7 :)
    @2girls_1boy great luck to you sweetie!
  • My son was born with a short frenulum and he wouldn't latch and I had to get it clipped so his first 2 weeks he only had my breastmilk in a bottle. I was so worried he was going to get nipple confusion and I would never be able to breast feed, but I kept trying and now he latches and feeds fine! :)
  • @BentleysMommy yay! glad u made it work! :) I was worried about the same thing...when I didn't have the milk and I had to feed him with a bottle I thought for sure he would not want my nipple...but he got the hang out it. He doesn't seem to mind the nipple or the bottle...anything works for him!
  • Same here! He can do both, we got VERY lucky! :D
  • Allie8955 how did u know ur first child was allergic to everything u ate?
  • I did it too. Si congrats I know how hard it is to start out. But I wouldn't change it now.
  • @Baby3soon2be well I ate foods that usually babies liked and that didn't work for him either. I went on special diets and that didn't work...later my doc tested my milk and said that i also had too much lactose in my milk and that triggered it as well...so I had to stop. His tummy was way too sensitive.
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  • Good job mommas! Its the best gift you can give em! Not to mention all the added perks for you too ;) what a great success story thanks for sharing
  • @Mama_Kat yes I read ur little story and I experienced the same exact thing! But it feels so good to accomplish something so great!
  • Now I feel like a milk factory!! Hehe :)
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  • @Mama_Kat hahaha that's a good one! Love it! :)
  • Congrats!!! My Jemma grace was born on August 12 too. :-) at 6:58 pm and I'm now able to breastfeed without pain. :-D
  • My son is almost 6 weeks old. Breast feeding is definitely demanding, but I'm so glad I stuck it out. He has acid reflux, so Breastfeeding is best for him.:)
  • Your post gives me some hope. I breastfed my now 3 yr old for the first 3 months and it was 3 months of pure agony. My biggest goal this time around is to accomplish breastfeeding longer and without pain. It is my biggest worry :-S. I sure hope I can pull it off this time.
  • @mama_kat my favorite alternate name for my boobies is "sweater monsters" lmao
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  • @BabyComingSoon143 yay Congrats to u as well! Glad to hear u succeeded as well :)
    @jenzoe1 glad u stuck to it. Its the best thing u can provide for u kids.
    @vtmamajuju I wish greatest luck Hun! I want to accomplish the same goal! Good luck to both of us :)
  • @allie8955 thanks for the info, im havim a problem with my 4week old he is pukin all the time and has really bad gas, it even smells rotten. I breastfed my other 2 children with no problems so when he started puking all the time, crying with gas pains and almost making me puke from the smell of his gas I began to worry, idk what to do! I love breastfeeding the bond with your child is amazing!! But I also dont want him being miserable. :(
  • @Baby3soon2be you know hun ur not alone. my little one is only a week old and started to break out really really bad...im not sure if it's something I ate that caused it or what but I eliminated the foods that i think might have triggered it but so far it's still the same...makes me want to stop breastfeeding so that it all can go away but im stiking to it no matter what! great luck to you....
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