Why is my dr not concerned?

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
For the past month and a half my feet have been swollen... My last apt on thursday they were so swollen that they feel brusied and my legs are swollen too. My bp is in the normal range but high for me, also I have traces of protine in my urine. I had an u/s at this apt and was told my fluid is at a 13 which is on the low side but as long as its above a 10 im ok. Also ive had a lot of pressure and my baby isnt moving at least five times an hr. With that being said my dr wasnt concerend said it was normal, told me to keep working and come back in two weeks....ill be 35weeks monday, should I be worried??


  • Get a second opinion thats all I can think of if your doctor isn't making you feel better
  • Maybe ask another drs oppinion or call the l&d nurse at the hospital their oppinion.. it doesnt sound right to me though...
  • Um I'm not sure I think it all depends. U do have signs of pre-e with the swelling and protein in ur urine. I have pre-e. But I think it depends how high the protien levels are and what ur blood pressure says. I'm on strict bedrest br privledges only until I'm induced in less than 2 weeks. As forthe amniotic levels I don't know. And ur little one could just b running out of room or being lazy. I'm not sure because mine is moving constantly day and night. Theyr all dif
  • Im a ftm so idk if this is normal, my family and friends tell me its not normal.
  • Whats the danger to the baby if I have pre e ?
  • I'm not really sure. I thinks its more of a threat to mom. They didn't really explain much to me about how it affected her, just what it did to me. Sorry :(
  • But I would def get a second opinion or go to the hospital. If pre e is left untreated it could lead to eclampsia which can cause seizures and other problems
  • @jazzi89 thanks... Im just worried because it hurts to walk. I want himto stay in as long as possible ....i just dont was him or me to be in danger
  • I know how u feel. My feet hurt so bad to stand on. I would get another opinion because pre e is serious and I hope things get bettr
  • Your protein levels have to be above 300 to be pre-e. If your bp is anything below 140/90 then there is no cause for concern. Also, fluid levels are considered normal anywhere from 6-15. I had PIH and Polyhydramnios and this was all info my doc told me so I'm guessing that everything is checking out in the 'normal' range. If you feel that there is cause for cn
  • Dumb phone lol. Anyways if there is any cause for concern, I would bring it up to him or her, and if you don't get the answers you're looking for, get q second opinion. Good luck! :D
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