I didn't get out of bed until 5 yesterday. Yes 5 pm! Its just the changes, I've heard from everyone I know who's been pregnant it gets better in the second trimester
I'm nearly 12 weeks and spent 3 days I'm bed this week. Luckily work great letting me work from home so worked on my laptop in bed in between sleeps! Will all be worth it in few months! X
It's not even that i'm tired, I just have no motivation. Laundry pilling up, dirty dishes everywhere... I even lied to my husband the other day and told him I was too sick to cook dinner, told me to bring someone home with him after work. It was a total lie, I was laying around in my pj's all day. I hope it gets better in second trimester.
I can't get off the couch! My husband had been great in understanding but I feel like a lazy bum!!! My energy is just gone!! 1st trimester is getting to me!
@duckysgal you still in your first trim.? Mine was like that...it was horrible! Feeling much better now in my second just don't want to leave the house now cause my face is 1 big pimple.ha ha