Baby Nayeli turns 2mnths today!! How much has your bby explored...

edited August 2011 in Babies
Bby Nayeli was born on my bday! ;-)

My sweet bby turns 2 mnths today!! She is such a good baby and is growing soooo fast!! ;-) She weighs 15lbs...

*She has now explored her hands and puts them in her mouth... its her
*She smiles alot with no sound yet!
*She says "acoo" when we talk to her!
*She is more alert but still takes long naps!
*She drinks 4oz / 2-3hrs
*She still wakes up every 3-4hrs at nite to eat...

How much has your bby explored?



  • edited August 2011
    Paul jr is 3 1/2 mo old!(15 weeks on tuesday)
    last dr visit he was 15ibs 4oz at 2 1/2 months old.

    *he cut his first tooth.(always chewing on his hands)
    *he can hold up his head
    *he rolls onto his side.
    *he smiles and gibber jabbers alot.
    *he laughs now :)
    *he sleeps from 10pm to 7-8 am. But hes awake more through out the day.
    *he eats 4 to 8oz every 2-3 hours.
  • Awww how fun!!
  • Emmersyn is 2 months today well :)
    -she weighs over 12lbs now
    -last I measured feedings she was received 5 oz
    -she sleeps 6-7.5 hrs at night for the past 8 nights
    -smiles a ton and coos
    -can hold head and roll to side
  • My lil Sophia is 14 weeks on Tuesday. Thus far she:

    . Laughs her little butt off
    . Talks as much as a teenage girl lol
    . Holds her head up
    . Is an assisted sitter
    . Has discovered her hands and tongue
    . Has begun to bat at and try to touch/grab items of interest
    . Eats 5-6 ounces every 3 hours
    . Sleeps 7-9 hours at night
    . Has recently began tasting baby food. So far she really likes sweet potatoes and bananas.

    Ahhhh I love them at this age, seeing them explore and develop a personality is priceless!
  • My baby rhys is 8weeks old now he was born 18/6/11 and weighed 7lb 11oz last time he was weighed he was 12lb 1 oz!
    He has found his hands and sucks them lots he has two teeth at the top which are trying to break through!
    He smiles and makes lots of noises is almost laughin it seems but has not quite managed it yet!
    He plays with his toy bar on his car seat and loves playing with his play gym!
    He likes us singing to him and defo knows our voices
    he eats 5oz every 4 hours
    and sleeps from 9-6 every night for the last two weeks!

    Over all i have been very lucky he is a star!!!
  • He also holds his own head and can lift his head off the floor when he has tummy time
    and he can grab things!! Such as my hair haha ot hurts lol
  • Wow... yalls bbys are more advnce than mine. My bby can not hold head by herself yet, less to roll... :-(
    She doesnt sleep thru nites yet!
  • Ok do which one of yall breastfeed
  • edited August 2011
    @betty she will get there! My son just started sleeping throught the night at 3 mo. Shes learning !

    @HavingNumber4 not me, my son is formula bottle fed.
  • edited August 2011
    @havingnumber4... Similac...Bottle fed...
    @maymommy11..... :-) I cant wait... jijjji
  • edited August 2011
    My son is 2 months 13lbs 25in
    -he holds his head up since almost week one :O
    -found his hands which he loves to eat
    -he drinks 4-5oz of milk every 3hrs by bottle when I'm at work but seems like hes at the breast all day
    -he doesn't sleep thru the night
    -he smiles when u talk to him

    @havingnumber4 I do
  • I asked cuz people say that if you breastfeed your baby progress faster so I was just seeing
  • My lil piggy is 1 month:)
    she holds her head up (has been for awhile)
    rolls to her side
    Eats her hands....and well anything near her mouth
    Wake up 2 or 3 times a night to eat, but is pretty much WIDE awake during the day. Not sure how much she eats, but she pretty much lives on my boobs. Might as well build a seat for her there.
    starting to smile and make noises.
  • @havingnumber4.... Ive never heard such thing.... I just know ALL babies develop at their own pace... Im not worried that my bby is not doing what others are.... llike @maymommy said, she will get there....
    Im happy for everybody!! Keep loving your precious gift!!
  • edited August 2011
    Yeah but I'm having number four and all my others were formula fed except back then we had similac now they have good start
  • Similac is still available! Thatz what my bby drinks... Similac is the closest to breast milk.
  • I'm curious where you got the fact that similac is closest to breast milk. I can't seem to find any facts to prove that...
  • O wow my lil man is a lil piggy :) he averages 3-4 oz every 2 hours sometimes 5 oz.
    Aydon 2 weeks 3 days
    Loves sucking his thumb but his whole fist will do as well.
    Rolls from side to side.
    Sleeps most of the night.
    And does well with holding up his own head but still needs a lil help.
    And I supplement with similac.
  • @BkE913.... At a WIC class that I was in...
    Im happy feeding her Similac and have NO problem with it!
  • Really?! It's so strange that they would tell you that considering they're all about breastfeeding. I'll have to ask them their opinion when I go in for my recert next month. I've tried finding something to back that up but can't find anything for the life of me. If that's the case, then I may switch my little one over to Similac because I want my daughter to have as close to breast milk as possible. All I've read is that there isn't even a close comparison to breast milk when it comes to formula. :(
  • I have this similar booklet and it says that one of the formulas imitate it.hmm..let me look. Hold.on....its called.similac advanced.
  • @betty yes your baby girl will get there! I have also heard that similac is really good. My son is on enfamil but they didnt give me a choice after I had him, probavly because how many drugs I was on, I was best friends baby is exclusively bf and my sonis 2 months younger than her daughter is doing the same thing as her.all babies develop and learn different stuff at their own pace.
    @BkE913 @HavingNumber4
  • I've always used Enfamil with my kids cuz I've heard that Enfamil was better than Similac by my pediatrician...hmmm...
  • My baby girl is 11weeks old and is 10lbs!!
    She babbles a lot
    She loves pulling up hands to sit up!
    She also loves tummy time and standing up!
    She has great hand eye coordination, and holds her head up so well!!
    She was breast feed for 2 months now feed enfamil gentelease!! She drinks 5 oz every 4 hrs.
    She sleeps from 10pm -4am, 5am- 9am!!
  • My jay will b 2 months on the 30th (6 wks now) he is 10 lbs. He is very alert but sleeps thru the night.he smiles all the time esp in a female face (big flirt). He drinks about 4/5 oz every 4 hrs. He loves tummy time ang thinks he can crawl already lol.
  • @BkE913 I dont know which is best, the nurses never asked what I preferred. I do like Enfamil though. Doctor said it was a good choice because he gets what he needs since hes not breastfed.but I know more people on similac who love it than Enfamil.
  • @bke913 on the similac can it says closer than ever to breast milk
  • My is 10week 2day is just over 2ft an is 13lbs 12oz
    Has holded is head up near anoth from.birth even midwife on delivery commented on how strong he was
    Very alert and noisy follows everyone and any noise will squirm around to see Wer it is
    Smiles and giggles at people he knows if he dosent know them just stares
    Talks goos
    Loves music channel not cartoons lol
    An is actually trying to copy sounds u make
    Loves pulling up standing and sitting to be noisy
    Wakes still one or 2 in nite
    Drinking 5 oz bottles every 4 hours started on little bit rusk in bed bottle loves it

  • My Cailey will be 16 weeks on the 25th. She is 16lbs and about 25in :) soy formula for a lil overall week.
    She's held her head up since day one
    smiles all the time
    Laughs only at me
    Giggles/coos/makes noises/ screams(joy not pain)
    Rolls over from tummy to back
    Sits up with help
    Stands with help
    Plays with toys
    Puts her hands/feet in her mouth
    Holds things in her hands
    ...she's super smart!

    We also pierced her ears for her 15week birthday!
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