I'm watching the news and they asking who has more stress a stay home or a working?

edited August 2011 in Current Events
I'm curious to know what's the answer ...At 5 clock they going to give the answer


  • *a stay home mom or a working mom sorry
  • I dare them to say work. Ha. They shld meet my kids lol
  • Iv been at home for a year this month, so id have to say a working mom. Between working, making sure my hubby had lunch for work, my sons homework, house work sheesh sometimes I only slept 5 hrs a night because I had so much to do.
  • I have done both and have been a SAHM for almost 3 years now and I find it a lot more stressful than working.
  • Idk but I'm curious make sure to update lol.
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  • I think its depends on the age of your child/ren and how many you have...
  • I was less stressed working personally. Now dealing with everything at home expecally the finatual mess my husband had made im beyond stressed
  • I think stay at home moms have more stress. Ugh I would let him stay home with the kids any day so I can go back to work.
  • Id say a working mom... because even though you work, you still have to do almost everything for the kids and still clean the house and then still make breakfast dinner and lunch for everyone! So being a working mom is just like being a stay at home mom with a job :)
  • SAHM for sure!!
  • @everyone update...so basically a stay home mom as more of a chance of being depress then a working mom..because a stay mom try to do everything perfect and doesn't get recognized for it...and the working moms lives with guilt because not spending enough time with there kids...so both have stress unless Ur a single parent
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