Question about miscarriage * update from doc*

edited August 2011 in Loss
Ok so I had heavy bleeding this morning and went to the hospital where they drew blood and they said they were gonna do a pelvic exam and sonogram as well but never did. But I'm confused, I got two bfp's on Thursday but the blood work came back negative, when I questioned the doctor he said levels were low, not non existent mind you he said low, so definitely not 4 weeks, but then he said I'm probably just having a late period. So to make myself feel less crazy I went home and took another test. Positive. What is going on? Any ideas? I've passed clots, so basically no hope if I was even pregnant, but the bleeding is subsiding. I'm just super confused.


  • I passed clots and I was still pregnant...
  • Really? I go to my ob tomorrow, I went to the er this morning because he was in a delivery. I'm hoping he says that the doctor at the er is a retard and everything is fine. But I also wanna be realistic and not get my hopes up. Which is very hard.
  • Yes and I bled very extremely heavy, passsed 2 big clots. I hate ER doctors, when I went in bcuz of the bleeding the doctor I saw was of no help, they are almost always too rushed to give u any answers. I know its hard not to get ur hopes up, it was very hard for me too. But once I saw my obgyn I felt much better. :)
  • Could be a chemical pregnancy? Where the sperm and egg meet, but dont implant. Typically resulting in a period thats a few days late. 80% of pregnancies are chemical pregnancies. I didnt test early because I was scared of this happening. But I had massive bleeding and passed two blood clots at aroung 9 and 10 weeks. Baby is doing good. Im hoping for the best for you as well %%-
  • edited August 2011
    Also, if you did MC, there are still hormones in your body that would give you the positive reading on the test. But, an ER doc doesnt know you like your OB!
  • Alright, I haven't passed anything huge, one that was pretty big I guess, I wouldn't know what was big to be honest, but most are pretty small, and I can probably count the number of them if I tried, so not that many.
    Was it this pregnancy you bled on? How far along were you?
  • Well my period would be almost a week late, I've read about chemical pregnancies, don't know much about them though. Massive nausea would be a big check though, what I'm confused about is why the doctor would say it was negative, then turn around and say that the levels were just low, and if they were as low as he was making them out to be wouldn't my home test have come out negative?
  • Yes it was this pregnancy. I was 13 weekd. I never really got a clear answer as to why either unfortunately. I will be praying u are still pregnant!
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  • Me too, my husband and I are so devastated. We have been trying for around six months. I'm glad its a morning appointment, mind you late morning, I don't think I could stand to wait all day. We haven't told many people about this morning, we're holding out for good news tomorrow, or confirmation about today. But our parents know, and he works with a few cousins and an uncle who found out cause he left work early. Should we tell people right away once we know? I feel like if I don't its like I'm lying to them.
  • @2bforgotten I feel the same way. I wish someone had a magic answer for me lol, I know I wont sleep for crap tonight.
  • You tell people whenever you feel comfortable with it. Its not lying to them, its just taking personal time to absorb all the information
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  • Tell people once you're ready to! don't feel obligated to do so! when I Miscarried I just kept to myself for several hours. I didn't even want to see anybody! I only told my parents that day and that's just cuz I lived with them at the time and they knew something was wrong. Do it on your own timing and when you are ready!
  • Thanks @usawife_21. Its just weird cause not even everyone knew. When I called off of class this morning, college, and I first had to say I was pregnant, then tell them the hospital nurse said miscarriage. Its a pretty small school and I'm tight with the teacher so I had no problems telling her, and she was very supportive, even said I could come in and talk anytime. Its just hard having to say both you know?
  • i had a m/c in april. started spotting and went to the er. should have been 8 weeks but baby only measured 6 weeks but there was no heartbeat and 2 days later i started bleeding a lot worse and eventually passed the baby but still needed a d&c due to some tissue being left behind. not even 4 months later i got pregnant again and a week and 4 days later i started bleeding again only this time they didnt see anything on the ultrasound and said my levels were very low and that i had a chemical pregnancy. they just say its as if you are getting your period late. if they didnt give you an ultrasound at the hospital then they cant automatically say that you miscarried. low levels may just mean that you aren't as far as you thought you were. an hpt will still come up positive for a few days until everything has passed through your system. i hope that everything turns out ok and that your doctor gives you the answers you are looking for. good luck & keep us updated
  • @2bforgotten I think you misunderstand, I'm not confused as to why mine said positive, I KNOW inside I was pregnant, and 3 bfps can't be a lie. What I'm confused about is why the blood test is negative. Or why he said negative, but in actuality was just low, low could mean ectopic, or that I'm not as far as I thought. I feel like he's just stupid, I should have just waited for my ob.
  • Just curious, did any of you have cramping with the bleeding and clots? Thats why my doctor sent me to the er in the first place was because I have been cramping for 3 days, but bleeding started today. Cramping didn't start today till after the hospital but its been pretty painful.
  • I don't understand why the doctor would call your test negative or low bc don't they have to have two numbers to compare? Usually they will draw blood again two or three days later just to make sure they're doubling. I would wait and talk to your ob. Im so sorry youre going through this.
  • edited August 2011
    my m/c in april i had slight cramping but the doctor just told me it was my uterus stretching and then 2 days after the er visit was when the cramping and bleeding got VERY bad to the point where i was almost in tears because of the pain. but the m/c i just went thru 2 weeks ago i didnt really have cramping. the cramping i did get i just assumed it was my uterus stretching again but when the bleeding got heavier it just felt like my period. wasnt painful just uncomfortable. then again everything they did to me at the hospital could have made the cramps worse because they wernt bad until i got things shoved up there (sorry tmi). just try to relax for the night and see what your ob has to say in the morning. unless the bleeding is very bad and cramping is very bad they might just have you go get blood work in a couple days to see if your levels have either gone up or down. atleast thats what they had me do.
  • I had a pregnancy where I bleed a bunch and had really bad cramps and I didn't remember seein any clots but I kept getting positive tests. When I went to my doctor they did a sonogram and didn't see the baby there... I had to keep going back for blood tests because it showed that my levels were still high but was coming down. :( praying that that's not what's happening to you.
  • Thanks for the advice guys. I've put myself on unofficial bed rest, except to pee. The bleeding has slowed down substantially, but not stopped. Hoping to see it stop soon.
  • I started cramping only a little when I was in the ER, I also bled off and on for about a week but not heavily. Update us after ur appt hun. Hoping for the best!
  • Thanks and will do.
  • Cramps have been gone for like an hour now, keep waiting for some sign of them coming back but all I've got is nausea. No blood on the pad in the past... 3 Hours? Around that. Still leaks some when I pee but I'm hopeful.
  • Bled all through the night, some cramping as well. 2 hours and I'll have my answers I guess.
  • Wish me luck at the doctors.
  • @tryingforfirst
    good luck! Praying for the best!
  • Good luck hun, please update asap. We are all here for you. Period like cramping in the beginning of pregnancy is actually normal until around 12 weeks. Some bleeding can be normal for some as well. Praying for you hun!
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