anyone else scared of SUPER fast delivery???

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
This is my 3rd baby.....the 1st was 4 hours.....the 2nd 3 hours.......and they say with each baby that it goes quicker:/ I am a single mother and I am getting soo scared....I am 36 plus 3 weeks...and every contraction (braxton hicks) I have... I am timing.....


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  • Im pretty worried about that myself. This is my 2nd child and I live 45 to 55 mins away from my hospital.
  • I am that's y I switched hospitals to right down the st from my house. My last child was 3 hours. And it was my 3rd I can only imagine how quick 4 will come including that he may be born early.
  • My son just Sorta poped out! Lol im scared this lil guy may b faster!
  • i only live about 30 minutes from my hospital... but my hubby has a plan, when i get to be about 8months along, he's gonna get a poster board and write in big letters "wife is in labor, not stopping, arrest me when we get the hospital" on it and when i go into labor he's going to tape it to the back window. lol knowin him he'll drive like a speed demon so i'm not too worried about having the baby in the car.
  • I would be so excited if that was the casr with me. My mom got my hopes up when she told me she was only in labor 48 minutes with my sis and I would be so happy if it was like that for me
  • Wow @Kells32 how did your labors start? Contractions first or did water break? My first water broke, contractions came about 20-30 mins later. She was out 4& a half hrs later. With this one id like to not go as fast. I'm 33 wks.
  • @one5one 1st baby I felt my first contraction at 11:30 in the morning and progressed from there and he was born @ 3:30 in the afternoon
    2nd baby I felt my first contraction @ 11:40pm the next one @ 11:45pm, so I took off for the hospital and by the time the nurse checked me I was 7 centimeters dialated and she panicked and ran out to grab the anastiagiologist to get the epidurl( which I got yay:) but then he was born at 2:30am..........
  • Geez that is quick! Did your water break at the hospital? @Kells32
  • @one5one the first time I remember the doctor breaking my water ....but the 2nd time I am sure the must have becau
    se it was broken before I left for the hospital.
  • Heck no I would love a super fast delivery as long as I make it to.the hospital
  • I'm paranoid that I'm not going to make it to the hospital.
  • Hmm thanks for answering. This is my 2nd. But my last pregnancy was 11yrs ago. So I don't know it the rule still applies to me. So I'm not sure if water will break agaon or what. I'm jusy hoping to make it to 38 wks.
  • I delivery really fast also n this my 4th so hopefully dr makes it to birth r she induces me bcus she lives an hr away from hospital!
  • My labor and delivery was super quick. I went from 5cm to 10 cm in 5 minutes. He was coming out and the Dr wasn't there yet.. she walked in and told me to put my legs up and push. Well, I pulled my legs back and he popped out.. no pushing necessary.. the contractions were god awful painful.
  • edited August 2011
    I wish mine were that short :( my first was 21 hours and my second was 20 hours and 56 minutes....I had stubborn girls!
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