Can u get a new tattoo when your pregnant?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I want a new tattoo but Idk if ima need to wait?


  • i dont think you can not a 100 percent but i think i remember a post on here saying no
  • I wouldn't try it, u have a high risk of infection, def would wait (*)
  • Its a no as ink gets into blood stream nd can harm baby! Plus as said above high risk of infection..
  • Nope. You have to wait. Its unsafe. Same goes for piercings
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  • The needle poses the risk of HIV,hepatitus, and many other infections. also you have an increased amount of blood which would cause the pain to be greater and may cause you to bleed way too much.
  • Ok then ima wait then...thanx u guys
  • Ink doesn't get in your blood, but that's not the worry. The trauma of getting a tattoo can make you miscarry. I was gonna get my wedding ring tattooed on, but I got pregnant only 2 months after we got married and we couldn't afford it until recently.
  • No you can't, the risk of hiv and hpv go right to your baby
  • I was told also you have to wait till after your done breast feeding. I want a new one too
  • Its not dangerous . . . But ask your doc incase your a heavy bleeder . . . And be careful whit the placement. . . ! Not on the tummy . . . ,!

  • No, you should not get a tattoo while pregnant. There are a few risk factors. You can get things like hepatitis, hiv, syphillis, any blood transmitted disease, the same risk as usual. This type of risk is from an unreputable tattoo artist that does not properly sterilize utensils nor use new, sterile, unwrapped items each time. This includes single-use inks! Which I've never seen a tattoo artist use.
    There is also risk for other types of infection like staph infections. A tattoo is basically an open wound for some time and is at risk for any type of infection as any other wound. When pregnant your immune system is lowered and puts you at higher risk.
    The ink does get into your blood but is "non-toxic," but the risk is still unknown. Sharpie and ball-point pen inks are non-toxic but you wouldnt ingest them or want them in your blood. Chances are it wont get into your blood enough to do something, but you probably don't want to take that risk.
    like someone said already your blood vessels and capillaries expand when you are pregnant, so you will likely bleed more and be at greater risk for getting ink into your blood or an infection.
  • I found out I was pregnant 3 days after I got my outline done with my first and the artist and my Dr both told me not only is the risk of infection a problem but the endorphins produced while getting the tattoo can harm the baby. He wouldn't allow me to go back n get it colored in until after I gave birth.
  • Dont go in a back alley and take a tatto. . . Haha if you go to a pro dont worry about hiv or someting like that . . Some people are just paranoid. . . !
  • Well ill ask my doctor at my next appointment...
  • While you're pregnant your body may reject the ink so you'll have to get it re-done after the baby comes & nobody wants to pay for a tattoo twice & go thru the pain all over again.
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