@serenitysmommy~ I'm scared about beening put to sleep to. But I'm doing it anyways I have 4 kids just had my last one 2 months ago. I'm having it done tomorrow so i'll let you know how it gose.
I had mine done last thursday....2 days after I had my son. They do put you to sleep though. It's not that bad. Just a small incision in your belly button. It's quick, but I can't say not painless.
I'd say the day after if the worst. Just make sure you take your pain pills or I'm sure it could be worse. I had mine 5 days ago now and I'm still a little sore.
Depends on the hospital your dr and or insurance. My dr wont do the tubal because i am delivering at a cathloic hospital. So i have to wait til after i deliver and i will need to go to a different hospital. But best to speak with your dr.
I think most doctors have u wait till after ur 6 week checkup but I have heard of some doing it before u leave the hospital. I am having a repeat csection and having them tied while I'm already opened up. This baby will be my 4th 2 boys 2 girls
@preggomommyof4 I have a 16, 4, and a 2 yr old, and now a newborn. All boys. My husband did take off work Thurs and Fri to help me...and I am glad he did. Is there any way your bf could take off a couple of days? Not saying you couldn't do it alone, but you will be sore and aren't supposed to lift anything heavier than the baby.
I thought if u wanted it done they just do a c section cause there already in there. I didn't know u could go naturally then get it done. Ty for clearing it up
@mistydawn my dr will keep me in hospital for 3 days n he is already taking off those days to watch 2 yr old! My other kids r in school a 9 yr old n 17 yr old! Im plannin for a thursday so my daughter can help me the wknd!