I Can't Stand It Anymore, I Am HONESTLY Going To Break Down! HELP PLEASE*

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I haven't slept more then two or three hours, in days. I am so tired mentally & physically it's unreal. I started crying tonight, I just want an hour maybe two AT LEAST. It's really getting to me, & I don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions? Could this be a symptom of a real issue? I honestly don't know how much longer I can take it, especially being pregnant & having a three year old to tend to :( HELP!


  • My OB told me to take benadrly to help me sleep and it would not harm baby at all. I was having same issue- it worked for a night or two. I had to have sleep. Good luck and may you get some shut eye!
  • Do you have anyone who can watch your daughter for several hours and you can take a nap.....or does she have a favorite video. When I've been super tired I pop in a video and catch some zzzzz's when my newborn is napping. It keeps my two yr old occupied for a little bit
  • I've been taking two Benedryl a night & it only knocks me out for an hour, maybe two. I have my little one all throughout the day until she starts school next week. I can't even nap with her, I just can't fall asleep. I am literally running on empty. I have myself so upset over this! I don't know what to do anymore.
  • The more you are stressing the harder it is to fall asleep. After you put your daughter to bed at night try taking a nice long warm soothing bath with some scented oils or bubble bath, clear your mind of all your worries if you find that hard just think of a colour like the bluest sky blue you have ever seen and focus on it. When your close to getting getting out of the tub pop a benedryl to make them work fast you can bite them but they taste awful.
  • Tylenol pm helped me get to sleep... But i woke up with a headache in the mornings when i took it:/
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