Muscus Plug.

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
How would you ladies describe the loss of your muscus plug? (If you've lost it, with this or a previous pregnancy)

How long did it take you to go into labor after the loss of the plug?


  • I lost mine last week at 34, I'm now 35 weeks, fingertip dialated and that's it. Hopefully ill go right at 37... it was gross had a little blood tinge to it but definitly noticeable.. how far are you?
  • Mine was globs of brown mucus that came out for about a week with my first. That was at 35 weeks, I was induced at 41 weeks. With my second I didn't notice my plug.
  • I'm 38+3 lost mine last night. No, color to it at all. I always thought it was suppose to be bloody, being that I never noticed a plug with my first, I wasn't tok sure what it looked like. I'm 2-3cm, and about 80% effaced. Hopefully labor will kick in soon. I'm miserable!
  • I los mine 2 days b4 labour it a big slug n I actually felt like pushing so I did.n it came out grose like.cloudy colour
  • I was showering, washing up, and all of a sudden I feel this huge snotty glob on my hand. I guess that means labor is close right? Just wish I knew how close.
  • Within 2 weeks.they.rekon who's they.i don't know
  • edited August 2011
    With baby #1, I started losing mine at 36 weeks...a big blob of brownish/clear/grey mucous with some red and old brown blood on it. At 39 weeks (while being induced) I lost a huge amount, so much that I thought my water broke. I was induced 2 more times and failed and ended up with a c section. She was born on her due date at exactly 40 weeks. I guess its different for everyone.
  • It looks like snot. I have been loosing mine for about a week and I'm only 1.5 centimeters dilated and 50% effacef :(
  • I'm 35 weeks today..2cm and 70%. No mucus plug yet :( I hope I didn't miss it but I dunno...sounds like it'd be noticeable?
  • 37+2 and believe I lost mine last week in the grocery store bathroom, it was clear slimy with a strik of brown but I think I lost bits of it a week before that too.
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