potty training question *update at bottom* :)

edited August 2011 in Parenting
So exactly a week ago I decided it was time to buckle down and get my 2.5 year old son potty trained. It was my goal to have him out of diapers before the new baby comes in Nov. He is doing really good. He hasn't pee'd his pants for a few days. Even over the weekend when we were out shopping (I put a pull up on to be safe) he still didn't go in it. He was playing today while I was cleaning and cooking dinner and went pee on his own and was bringing me the little pee container from his little potty. The only thing is he hasn't yet pooped on the potty. Every time he goes its always in his undies. How can I get him to start going poo in the potty? I'm not sure if I should start putting him in time out when he does it, or if its way too soon in the training process to have negative consequences already. Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated! (He's my first so this is all new to me)


  • I'd really like to know the answer to this one I'm due Oct 12th and my daughter is 17 months and she'll say boo bo as she's doin it or she'll say she has to and we'll sit there an won't go so... Bump!
  • Have you tried a "treasure chest"? Go get a whole bunch of cheap prizes. He gets to choose one if he poops in the potty.
  • With me I put it in the potty chair when she goes in her panties and then pat her on the butt....... We also pick and choose though like yesterday she was sick so I just delt with it but today she wasn't and she gets a spanking for it I would say though before consequence I would do a week putting.g it in the potty chair first so he gets the concept first then if it still continues after then apply consequences..... Gl
  • edited August 2011
    My son is 2 1/2 and it was hard getting him potty trained but I did it before I had the baby on June 1. The hardest part was getting him to poopie in the potty. Kids can control their bladder better than their bowels. I made sure I always had ice cream in the freezer for when he poopied in the potty because its his favorite thing. At 1st I would pop his butt from time to time but when he noticed ok I'm not getting a snack for just peeing he started pooping. It doesn't always take a pop on the butt for them to go. Try making a chart and at the end of the week if he goes without using it on himself take him to get a toy or make a chest at home filled with things he like and he can get something when he does poop in the pottty. Just be patient and keep trying he will get it soon :)
  • The time my son went in the toilet he kept asking me all morning to put on a diaper *he has to free-ball it, he thinks anything on his bottom half is a diaper* and I kept refusing him. He got pretty frantic before he gave up and pooped in the potty but he eventually did. Hes not really ready to potty train out of the house but hes generally pretty good at home
  • I don't think there should be consequences for him having 'accidents' koz some kids get scared. Maybe when hes older and knows how to use the toilet. I would just give him a reward for when he does and just explain to him all the time he has to tell you when he needs to go or ask him throughout the day if he needs to go. I potty trained my daughter at 18 months but it took her about 6 months to really get the hang of pooing in the toilet so a lot of scrubbing and washing i had to do for a while lol. It takes time so just be patient and keep at it
  • This is just my personal opinion: I believe in spanking but not for having an accident. My son began potty training at 2 and was completely trained by 2.5. I agree with what a few of the other moms said about giving prizes. And have a "poopy" dance whenever he does it. Throw a mini party, make it a big deal to him when he goes.
  • Reward him when he goes. I went to the dollar store and got a bunch of little prizes. It really helped!! My son is now 2 1/2 and fully potty trained. I too would punish him for not popping in the potty just yet...since he's still getting used to it.
  • My youngest would run screaming anytme we asked/mentioned pooping in the potty lol wed been trying on and off for about a year-she would only pee and then want nothing to do with it. Last month I noticed the pooping face so I scooped her up, she protested, and put her on the potty. Gave her my phone to play with and just waited. She went and lost her "fear". There was lots of "whoo hoo-ing" lol its still a work in progress but yesterday she came and said she had to poop. I think she sat on the toilet for almost 20 minutes before it came out lol
  • @kcoolzchic I gave a gummy bear to my son when he would sit and try and he got 2 gummy worms each time he would pee. He does it so well now he hasn't been getting anything. He is even staying dry through the night. This morning it took me a little longer to get out of bed and he was in his talking and still didn't go. He even was wearing a night time diaper. I'm pretty happy about that.

    @vtmamajuju @sands3 @jellybeaning11 @mrs_shu I love the idea of prizes for going. Like I said I did candy for peeing. But how do I actually get him on the potty when he has to poo? Do I just fill the treasure chest and show it to him and explain when he goes poop in the potty he gets to pick a prize? And hope he wants a prize...
  • Yeah rewards are great for kids! Also had this with my son, with weeing he was great, poos were more hit and miss. Does he have a time he tends to go? Try getting him to sit on the potty around this time to see if anything happens. Also even if he starts in his pants and you catch him, get him on the potty so he can finish in there. Good luck!
  • Yea. Just show him the prizes and let him know he gets to pick one out everytime he goes poo in the potty. Maybe that will help him with telling you when he needs to go also.
  • You can do both. Show him the "prizes" and expain its for pooping on/in the potty and to get over the initial hump if you see signs, grab him and go lol my daughter would hide in another room or behind chairs and there's always the silent but deadly farts that make you think they've pooped in their diaper/underwear. Then sit on the tub and wait...and wait lol
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  • I would frequently ask him does he have to poopie on the potty and of course he would say no. I never pop him for peeing on himself but I guess he got tired of being punished for pooping in his undies. Whenever he would poop on himself I would also make him sit on da potty for 5 minutes and he hates it. That's good that your son go through the night without wetting himself. He's going to have it down before you know it.
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  • @USMCwifemommy101107 I am only doing pull ups when we go out to the store or something where I don't know where the closest fastest bathroom is just in case. But he is doing great not even going in pull ups. I think he would be perfectly fine if I put a diaper back on him at times lol. There are time he still asks for an elmo diaper and I tell him no he's a big boy and we need the elmo diapers for when baby jack is here. That changes his mind and is ok then with undies.

    @littlenat86 he did have a regular time when he would go poo. It used to be right around 3 everyday, but since he's been wearing undies the time varies a lot more. It usually always late afternoon or evening time. and there has only been once that I've actually caught him going in his undies and I put him right on the potty, we sat there about 15 minutes and nothing. It was over an hour later that he "finished" in his undies.
  • @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle I totally agree with those 3 steps. And only one I break is the 3rd. Its definately me afraid of the mess in public. But sinday we were school shopping with a friend and her daughters, I did have a pull up on him. He still let me know that he had to pee and we found a potty and he never went in the pull up. So that makes me a million times more comfortable about taking him out in undies. And we do use night time diapers. But after the last few days of him being dry when he woke up I think it will be ok to leave him in undies at night as well.
    For months we have had open door policy with our son, both my husband and I.
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  • My son comes in and says mommy you pooping. And I tell him yes or no just going pee, whatever the case may be. My husband has been letting him flush for him for weeks. And when I empty his little potty I let him flush that as well.
    I haven't spanked him or anything for going in his undies. I just tell him your a big boy you need to go on the potty not in your undies. You need to make sure you tell mommy when you have to go. He will say ok and for pee its been great. I am hoping it will be like when he finally first went pee in the potty he got cheer and praise and was super excited about that and told everyone he saw that he went pee in the potty. And. He soared from there. Its just getting the first one lol.
    @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle thanks for all those! Puts a lot in perspective :)
  • Yeah I've always left the bathroom door open as its generally just me and my son at home in the day. Its great to be able to talk about it, as I said my son was a bit hit and miss with poos in the beginning but him seeing me do it and letting him ask me questions worked really well for him. He will get there, keep going! :-)
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  • Thank you preglys for all your help! Today we had our first successful poo in the potty!!! He did it all on his own which makes it so much better! I'm one proud mama!!! I just hope we keep this up!
  • Woohoo!!!!! I wont say its smooth sailing from here but IMO that's definitely the biggest hurdle :)
  • with my first i just watched him the whole time and tryed to catch him in the act and then run him to the toilet when i seen him in action .. lol.. thats worked.. plus my kids have their poo hour.. lol.. either in the morn or at night around 4-5 lol.. and even if you dont catch him in the act take him and his dirty under wear to the toilet and dump it in there.. lol.. tell him thats were it belongs.. lol.. and let him flush it..
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