does anyone else

edited February 2011 in Third Trimester
Have weird pains when they they on there sides it seems like if I lay on my side that there are little weird pains like when I move from one side to another not cramps and they aren't bad just weird like pressure even. Could it just be the baby on one side or another when I lay down? I'm 17weeks and 3 days :)


  • Could be your baby settling into a new position. (: that's how mine is, I really feel baby when my belly isn't supported, like when I'm on my side. Enjoy those feelings!!
  • Thank youuu! I deff enoy every min of this! <3 congrats btw!

    Fyi- idk why this thread says 3rd trimester? Lol
  • Thank you and you too! This is my favorite part of being preggo! When they move around you get a glimpse of their personality. (:
  • How far along are youuu? And thank ya<3
  • Second pregnancy, fourteen weeks. (: this pregnancy is going fast!! Still have morning sickness. ): do you know what you're having yet?? How is the morning sickness for you?
  • It could be something called round ligament pains. The relaxin in your body loosens joints and ligaments are stretching too. I also get them.
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