Question for those who tried castor oil and it didn't work.

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Just curious, I just hit 39 weeks and was considering maybe trying castor oil. Not sure though.

But I was wondering for all if those it just gave the runs to, how quickly after drinking it did you get the runs and how soon after did it stop?

I would hate to try it and be in the group who just gets the runs from it and then still have the runs and have to go into work lol


  • It will give you the shits. And it causes severe cramping which preggers contractions. I wouldn't do it myself.
  • I pooed thirty minutes after & of coarse it didnt work
  • Yeah so far I've heard that it either
    1) Worked and sent the women to l&d soon after taking it do to the contractions
    2) Caused contractions AND gave then the runs so they were in labor with diarrhea lol
    3) Just have them diarrhea...
  • I tried it an im also 39 today an it wasnt that bad but did poop alot lol
  • I tried it twice, first time, I got diarrhea about 30 minutes after taking it and was in triage all night with horrible contractions but I wouldn't progress so they stopped them with nubain and when I woke up the next morning the diarrhea was gone. The second time I took it, I threw up 20 minutes later, had one bm that was diarrhea and no effect after that, although I did have my son the next day but it was from the intense walking, exercise, and sex I did that night after thee castor oil. I won't do it again with my other pregnancies because it's absolutely disgusting and just doesn't work for me :( but everyone is different!
  • I will probably end up not trying it, I think I'm to chicken to possibly make myself feel like crud lol I already feel miserable, but the idea is so tempting if it would work, I'm so tired if being pregnant!
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  • Dont do it :(
  • Nope didn't work for me... just gave me the worst cramps n kept me up all night going to the bathroom... I wouldn't do it if I were u. It also can cause the baby to poop in u n that sometimes is not good for the baby.
  • bbounce on an exercise ball that helped me I bounced for thirty min to n hour at a time n went for two mile walks every night three days later I had my baby girl.
  • Yeah I have an exercise ball my sil let me borrow. I've bounced on it twice so far but never for that long. I might try it again this morning if I have the energy after I get off work.
  • It just made me REALLY sick to my stomach I took it at 6:30 my time and it 2:20 and still sick :(
  • I'm with you... too chicken to try it. I've tried everything else and will try the exercise ball this week. Good luck, I know its unbearable being preggo at this point but just hang in there... <3
  • First time i tried it i didnt poop at all. N the last time my aunt tried it she didnt poop either so theres no way of really knowing
  • It's not even so much the being prego part that I'm over, I think I could suffer through it a little longer, it's that I still have to work!!! :(
  • My aunt has 5 kids and she sweats by taking Castor oil and then blue kohash(sp) and black kohash(sp) back and forth with the kohahes(sp) until its time but I wouldn't do it hell to the no way
  • edited August 2011
    Ah, yeah, that sucks... my son starts school on the 31st and I'm scheduled for my c-section on the 1st... I'd love to make this baby thing happen this week so my boy doesn't miss any school.
  • My bfs sister in law told me to walk like crazy and drink apple juice and most of her pregnancies were fast she has 5 kids 2 popped out before the dr was ready to catch but it could just be her

    Imma do bouncing on my ball and walking and in a week ill try the apple juice and fresh pineapple I'm so ready to meet my baby boy! :)
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