unusually hungry

I'm 35 weeks going on 36 weeks. And for some odd reason I've been unusually hungry but my entire pregnancy I ate like I usually did before pregnancy. Wise is this? It's not cravings. I'm just hungry a lot. Could it be my baby is hitting a growth spurt?


  • I've had that been happening for the past week. I get really hungry and eat a bunch. For ex, I just had a bowl of ice cream, chips and spinach dip, and a slice of my husbands pizza....lol. I get it more at night, to where I'm just hungryyy! I never was like this before. Ill be 38 weeks tomorrow. I guess it could be the baby growing, cause this far along they start to gain about a half a pound a week.
  • edited August 2011
    Its been that way for me too the last like 3days ill be 36w tomorrow. When I was preggo with my first it was the last two weeks I was like this
  • It's happened to me too.
  • Im having the same issue! I can't stop eating! Help! Its really bad I eat anything
  • i'm only 28 weeks and i have days where i feel like i can never get enough to eat.
  • Im 35 wks today & feel exactly the same! I just had 3 bowls of spaghetti, 2 bowls of icecream, & now gonna make myself a pb&j!
  • Haha. I'm feeling hungry now..damnit lol
  • Im gonna go get ice cream. I ate popeys chicken a bit ago. Mind u I never eat out but still... plus I had a bad day.
  • I'm 36weeks 3days an I've been eating constantly... I ate 2 pb&j sandwhiches, a bowl or macaroni an cheese, a handful of carmel popcorn, an a bowl of froot loops. At this point, I'm doin 1 of 3 things; sleeping, eating, or peeing. *sigh*
  • I'm 32 weeks and have been feeling the same way lately. I ate normal my entire pregnancy until now. I'm always hungry! Lol
  • The joys of being pregnant haha
  • I am 39weeks on wednesday but the whole pregnancy I've been forcing myself to snack here an there and the past week I'm actually eating and when I say eating I mean I'm shoveling food in. I thought your stomach was supposed to get smaller cuz there's less room. Guess not.
  • I'm 26 weeks and I have been feeling like that for a while...I'm the one going to the growth spurt
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  • I'm not saying this to freak you out. but about 3 1/2 weeks ago I started being uncontrollably hungry. to the point where I would be eating 2 portions of dinner and my stomach would still be growling. I ate enough to literally feed 2 or 3 people. I was always thirsty no matter how much water I drank. turns out I developed gestational diabetes. I'm not saying this is whats going on with you I just wanted to share my experience.
  • Lol there's no odd reason youre just pregnant. Lol
  • @marinesangel the reason you crave ice is because you might have low iron.. that's why I craved ice and it was true I had low iron
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  • Yeah I am and I have to take medicine for my iron to come back up.. I am always so tired and weak too from low iron so who knows unless you ask them well good luck @marinesangel
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  • Mee too ! Just started a couple of days ago but I still try to control it..I'm 29+4
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