Helllpppppp!!!! I'm guna lose it!!
2wks postpartum & my milk supply is going down I feel like I'm playing a game of cat & mouse I strictly pump just so I can rest but its backfiring again I can't sleep cuz I'm stressing about not being able to feed her & needing to pump...i rlly need to sleep how can I or do I switch to formula? I need to its not even a want anymore I'm going insane! I get bloody noses, dizzy spells, crazy headaches & now I'm so tired I just wanna cry, she's guna be up all night I'm guna have to pump in between and I'm still guna get no sleep wtf do I do please someone anyone help me??!!
Thanks everyone I'm guna try all yur suggestions and see how it goes...
Don't stress over it stress can take away Ur milk completely!!! Also remember supply and demand!
ONE MORE THING IT GETS EASIER AFTER A COUPLE WEEKS!!! Give it time Ur body is just regulating and Ur actual milk supply will come down soon!!