Do you feel alone?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So it seems like everyone who's not pregnant takes this lightly, like carrying another human being is nothing...I dont want my family to be sympathetic just to be understanding and respect the fact that this is no walk in the park


  • I know what you mean but i sat down and had a long talk wit both sides of the family and now they are doing wonderful
  • Maybe thats what I should do its so much tension in my house im fustrated but thanks shug this helps
  • This happened at my work. My boss criticized and looked down on me for being pregnant. She eventually found an excuse to hire me
  • Seriously ... It seems like noone understand how hard and draining it is to be pregnant. I tell my man my cramps and pains and it goes in one ear and out the other...unfortunately he's the only family I have here. I'm 8hrs away from home...without my mommy :'( lol
  • This happened at my work. My boss criticized and looked down on me for being pregnant. She eventually found an excuse to fire me. But I felt awful and she worked me too hard.
  • @MzGarcia_July_Baby I feel ur pain people can be inconsoderate
  • @bbymama17 I had to quit my job befote I was fired my doctor didnt like my working conditions anyway and niether did my body
  • I feel like that, too, but my poor husband gets it pretty well; he has Chrons & Celiac disease's & has constant stomach & joint pain, plus he's anemic (sp?) from the Chrons & that makes him chronically fatigued... I actually feel lucky that it only lasts 9 months for me; he has to deal with this for the rest of his life :(
  • Yeah I was a server and its hard to run around all day. But she fired me cause she doesn't like to let me take a break and she didnt understand how hard pregnancy is
  • @vette_devil my bf also has chrone disease so yes the feel our pain and I cry when his tummy hurts lol
  • @bbymama17 you didnt need to be on ur feet anyways
  • Yea I know what you mean only having you hubby, my mama is 36 hours away :-((
  • awwww it wud be nice to have her around huh
  • Yeah that's true! Wish I could find a sit down Job lol
  • I had a easy job at social service but it required me to be on my feet alot and excessive bending and lifting smh lol but I wish too
  • Ah, it would be soo nice, I'm so sad without my parents :(
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