Help!!! Help!!!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
OK so I went to the doctor today and she told me I might have a tilted placenta but didn't want to get into it till I have an ultrasound. I've tried to look it up but i am not finding nothing. Can anyone give me info? I'm worried but don't know if I should be.


  • Hum never heard of it but here's a bump! Good luck!
  • Ask dr for nore info
  • I've heard of a tilted uterus but not placenta. Hmm
  • Maybe its low? Never heard of a tilted one. Interesting. I hope u and baby r ok tho.
  • Thanks ladies
  • Bump????
  • Well I'm pretty sure that means that it could be a previa- which is where the placenta lies so low it covers the opening of the cervix. But after the ultrasound, they will know where it is at and if it is tearing from the uterus or if it is covering the cervix. Don't worry too much hon, not until you know for sure what you are up against!! When is your ultrasound and how far along are you?
  • 2 weeks for the ultrasound and I'm 31+4 weeks. @lindseynicole96
  • Are you sure dr didn't say tilted uterus? I have a tilted uterus and it just made it a little difficult for them to do my first ultrasound so they had to do a vaginal one.
  • @ bentleysmommy no I made sure to ask BC I've herd of a tilted uterus but not placenta but she just acted like she didn't want to get into it till the ultrasound also I was measuring at 29 two weeks ago and today I was measuring at 27 witch I thought was odd.
  • Measuring differently could be due to baby's position change. I was measuring 34 weeks when I was really 37 weeks so they told me I was going to have a tiny baby, 4 days later I had a 7lb 9oz 20.5 in long baby lol. He was just super low and way in my back. I would worry about that unless your ob does. But I've never heard of a tilted placenta either :/ when's your u/s?
  • Sept. 6 I couldn't believe they would wait so long to do one either... I don't think my doc is very good but I feel like I'm to far in to change doctors @bentleysmommy
  • Well I'm sure if it was risky for the baby or something they'd make it sooner. As long as you have no vaginal bleeding or anything, I wouldn't stress yourself out until your u/s.
  • @bentleysmommy thank you for your response make me feel a little better now I guess I have two long weeks of waiting!
  • edited August 2011
    You're welcome :) but don't underestimate, drs can be wrong but most of the time aren't. I went in for my 28 week check up and told my dr about some bad cramping I had been having, he checked my cervix and said it felt a little thin so sent me for an ultrasound to check it and the teech said it was fine and cramping was normal. That weekend, I was cramping so I went into triage, come to find out I was in preterm labor and was in the hospital for 4 days trying to get contractions to stop. I wanted to ring the u/s techs neck! Lol if you ever have a bad feeling about something, go with your gut!
  • edited August 2011
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