Help!!!!!!!!!! contractions

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok ladies last night I started having contractions that did not hurt they just were there and only hurt if I walked around anyway they were about 1-2 MIN apart and lasted about 30 secconds each I didn't go to l&d because I was worried they would just send me home I lost parts of my plug @31 weeks but I'm sure it regenerated by now I'm 36+2 so I woke up this morning and have already had a few contractions about the same time in between I really don't want to go in if I will just be turned out the door a couple hours later please what should I do they really don't hurt unless I walk around they r just there


  • I've been having contractions like that for over a week.. with me they don't progress so I know not to go in cause I've been turned away by hospital multiple times.. but that's just me. U could always call in and ask or just go in or see where they go to today .. just don't wait too long cause u r still technically pre term so if it is real labor I dunno whether they would stop it or not :/
  • I know and if it is idk either I just don't want another $500 bill for no reason but thanks @podgemarine I promised myself I would never go in unless my water broke
  • If they aren't constant, consistent, and strong its more than likely false labor...if you're concerned tho I'd call the doctor just to make sure
  • edited August 2011
    Yea I just did she said drink tons of water and if they don't stop to go in I feel like yea but they don't hurt either so whats the point u know but I'm on the water for sure @eathansmommy122
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