What's going on?....

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I am 33 weeks and 5 days prego in the past few days I've been waking up very nauseous. It lasts all day and nothing sounds good. I have to literally force myself to eat! I am worried because this is the stage for her to gain the most weight. Then yesterday I was very hormonal. Little things for bothering me and I felt exhausted. Take in mind I haven't felt that way this whole pregnancy! Then last night I had bh stronger than I felt before. Felt like period Cramps with tightening and pressure in my stomach. I didn't time then but I had 5 or 6 in a small time frame before I decided to roll over and try to go to sleep. Has anyone else felt this way? Is this normal? Is this morning sickness or a sign of labor to come? And how do I get my appetite back? Please up ladies. I really need some advice!


  • i was the same way. i had to take Zofran just to curb the nausea enough to eat SOMEthing each day. it backed off about 36-37 wks
  • @crazycat79 I am 32+5 and have been a bit nauseous for the past week off and on. Hormonal, exhaustion and night sweats are back too! I think it's just the hormones picking back up. My BH have been painful throughout my pregnancy and doc says that's normal for me. I also have clusters of BH where I will have 5-6 in an hour. If I lay down and switch positions they usually subside. I think it's totally normal for this point in pregnancy. Always call your doc if you think you are having too many contractions. If anything, they can ease your mind. Good luck, we're almost there!
  • @survivormommie3 How Far along are you?
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