acupressure to induce labor?

anyone try it and does it really work? if so what points did you use? Just curious about this way, it sounds relaxing and a way to get my husband to massage me, lol.


  • I did it between my pointer finger and thumb...along with a few other things to.induce myself and I had my daughter that night. Im not sure if I really did induce myself or if it was just my time. I was due Sept 7th and had her on Monday =)
  • @mommmyX3 I was just messing around with the point between my finger and thumb....and I'm pretty sure my water just broke!!!!! Idk if it was that, or she's ready to come! I'm due sept. 6th. :)
  • @cait_septembermommy - AHHHHHHHH!!! Thats soo crazy! LOL Get your butt to the hospital! CONGRATS!!! <3 & keep me updated!
  • @cait_septembermommy - AHHHHHHHH!!! Thats soo crazy! LOL Get your butt to the hospital! CONGRATS!!! <3 & keep me updated!
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