ready to not be pregnant anymore!!

So I've had a really rough pregnancy, needless to say, I'm so thankful for this gift that's been given to me don't get me wrong and I love my son to death!....but I think I'm going to loose my mind if I'm pregnant much longer, I'm 35+3, I can't sleep which sucks because I can't do anything without getting exhausted only to lay down and not be able to fall asleep. My back is always aching , my feet are swollen and I can't see my va jay jay!... I know he has to cook for a little while longer, but for my sanity I hope I don't go past 38 weeks, can't handle much more!


  • Oh I hear you. I'm just a few days ahead and with all of the bh I've been having the past two days *painful ones btw* I was sure she was coming and I was happy lol
  • Yes I've had painful ones too and lots :( worst part is when I get to sleep its only for an hour or two and I wake back up . I'm dying here...keep hoping ill stand up and my water will
  • Keep him in as long as possible! I know its hard I was the same way, my son came tuesday at 37w3d. He is hooked up to monitors and an iv bc he has pneumonia :( its very hard and I blame myself for wanting him out so bad bc I was tired of being pregnant. I didn't do anything to try and induce, he came on his own, but I'm still upset with myself
  • For sleep take tylenol pm, for selling weat long elastic socks, and icy hot patches are good for back pain, also sleeping with a pillow inbetween your legs helps.keep your feet elevated when you are sitting down relaxing.
  • OMG!! I can totally relate to sleep deprivation...just remember there's still gonna be a lack of sleep when baby arrives :(
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