:( i think i have a Hemroid???

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone know what I can do about it? I am freaking out %-(


  • See I am freaking out I can't even type the right smiley face:( lol
  • Well when I get them I use witch hazel to cleanthe area then with a q tip (cause I don't wanna use my finger lol) I put preparation H on tip n put it in that "area" do that everytime u go to rr or poo n it should be gone 2days max
  • There are creams you can use or there are these pads called "tucks" pads that you can you to wipe with after you go to the restroom. I have them and mine got so bad I had to go to the er and they gave me like 7time shots into the hermroid to get rid of it. It was the most painful thing ever so take care of them another thing you can do is take stool softness so it is easier to go. Good luck
  • @letysfirst so they can go away?
    @mommy2now3 omg that sucks you had them that bad......

    .....I am going to go get the tucks pads or the pre H today! Thanks:)
  • Yes tucks pads. I had one so bad this pregnancy it was surgically removed. Worst pain of my life. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Oh make sure u drink lots of water and eat fiber. U don't want to get constipated!
  • @pinkbaby0930 did they put you to sleep or give you anything? They told me normally what I had done they put people asleep it hurt so bad
  • No they have me numbing shots and cut it out. Omg the shots hurt.
  • @pinkbaby0930 did you bleed after the sutgery? And did it hurt? I have them pretty bad and they keep getting worse I was wondering maybe if I can get them removed while getting my csection..
  • Oh yes I did they can't stitch it or anything so its an open wound. I just had one big one. @Josie749
  • @pinkbaby0930 yikes, you poor thing!! hope its totally gone now!
  • It is. And hasn't come back knock on wood. Especially when I have to push.
  • Good to know! Thats great! Hope it never does!
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