
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I have been bleeding off and on all this week but they keep telling me everthing is ok im 7 weeks. Really scared.


  • I would keep a close eye on that u know ur body better than any doctor does cause back in august I took a home pregnanct test n it was positive I felt pregnant and everything but when I went to the doctors they took a urine sample and said it was negative but 2 days later I started bleeding and the bleeding lasted about 3 weeks I was indeed pregnant and miscarried at about 6 weeks
  • Well I had ultrasound im just scared.
  • Don't b scared honey just relax....I bleed a lil off and on when I was 8 weeks and had a bloodclot. I was devastated thinking I miscarried but my doc told me its normal especially for ur first day. I'm now 15 weeks and the baby is just fine.
  • Thanks that makes me feel so much better.
  • U bleed on and off while pregnant with first he's now ten I informed doctor then said was fine just keep close eye on it
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