hcg levels??? HELP

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
my doctor said my hcg levels were at 20,00 tuesday and tonight they were only at 25,000. I have heavy bleeding and cramping, but also had an us tonight and saw the heartbeat. What does this mean?


  • How many weeks are you?
  • Around six weeks mine were in the 10,000. My Dr. Said that i needed progesterone supositories in order not to loose my baby. I did take them until I was twelve weeks. My son is now a happy two month old baby.
  • Did they give u any idea as to y u had bleeding and cramping when they did the us.
    i had bleeding back@ the beginning and they found that i had a subchronic hemmorage. Which excitement, stress would trigger mine to start bleeding, i was resticted on what i could do until i was around 14 wks. Haven't had an issue since.
  • @kiwi_mom. When I found out that I was pregnant, but was not sure how far along I was I got my HCG tested and I was at 47,000 and had an ultrasound the next week and determined that when my HCG level was taked I was 7 weeks.
  • @3girls_0boys they couldn't explain the bleeding. My hcg levels increased but didn't double.
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  • edited August 2011
    They get at a certain point and don't double hun for 72 hours, they don't double all throughout your pregnancy. The bleeding needs to be watched and you need repeat ultrasounds.
  • In general numbers double. But it is not an exact science and we are all human bodies that do things differently. I have a history of ectopic pregnancies, so they watch my #'s very closely in the beginning. My dr said not to compare only 2 results. My first 2 tests were only Are they checking it again on Sat? Try to elax and not worry, but I know that does not happen, so just do the best you can. I will be hoping for your numbers to go to ease your mind. Keep us updated. I wish I had more advice for you, sorry. Just FYI with this baby I was 6wks2days and my # was 27000, 2 days later it was 36000. I am now 34 wks pregnant with my Gumdrop. :)
  • @jdensma im feeling okay. I was in the hospital again all night. Didn't get any sleep and now I have two sick children home from school. My bleeding has slowed to like a period, im feeling a little more sick to my stomach. Im so tired and scared!!! I thought for sure I lost it but at about four in the morning I saw its little heartbeat:) my dr said that's a good sign, but the bleeding along with my hcg levels rising slow is of concern. They are testing my levels sunday morning and then they will decide whether or not they will do another us that day. I am trying to stay calm and relax. Thanks for checking on us:) how are you doing?
  • @cicelia thank you. They are testing me sunday morning. That's comforting to know that your numbers didn't double and you guys are doing great! I guess its good the bleeding has slowed.

    Does anyone know why you bleed? I don't understand where its coming from or what it is.
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  • Prayers and hugs momma
  • My numbers were slow rising and I had bleeding. Not just light bleeding either. It was so crazy scary. Once they gave me an u/s and ruled out an ectopic they still didn't see anything much in utero. But the next week (7wk5days) I went for an u/s and I had a pocket of blood, and I could see a little gumdrop w/ a heartbeat. It was still stressful because my numbers were ridiculously slow rising. But by 9 wks we knew she was in a good spot and the bleeding had slowed down. I did have to stay off my feet however because the bleeding increased with activity. Dr's never said what it came from, just that I had a pocket of blood in my uterus, right under the baby. Weird! Take it easy, try and rest (easier said than done w/ sick kids at home I know). Take good care of yourself! Keep us updated!
  • It could possibly be a subchorionic bleed. That you have which causes bleeding. I was told by an ultrasound tech that most of the time it goes undiagnosed because they don't really look for them. I had a small one that reabsorbed itself.
  • Also make sure you drink a ton of water.
  • @bonita85 im going to ask about that! I have been drinking tons of water. Thank you so much!
  • @kiwi_mom When i had one before i didnt want to drink because i hated going to the bathroom and wiping and seeing blood. It freaked me out. But then i was told drink a ton of water so that the uterus doesnt contract which would cause more bleeding. As for the HCG levels if you are further along then expected they tend to stop doubling and kinda taper off around 9-10 weeks is what i was told. Don't fret stay positive and stay off google. Best of Luck!
  • @bonita85 @cicelia @ jdensma I had my third Hcg test today and my numbers doubled:) the bleeding has slowed a lot and im feeling better. Im also doing progesterone suppositories. Thanks for all the help.
  • Wish you luck and sticky baby dust!!! I had a period full blown period while I was pregnant and didn't know I was pregnant bc I had a period lol. Good luck.
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  • That's great! I'm so happy for you!!!
  • Oh yay! I am so happy to hear that! Thanks for keeping us updated and for tagging me. :) I am so relieved and excited to hear that. Yayyour Gumdrop is doing good! WhooHoo!
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