Did any of you get really bad stretchmarks?

edited August 2011 in Health
I had them really bad, and have tried a lot to make them fade quickly. I have decided that I'm just going to let nature take it course, and they will eventually fade. The site the shape of a mother has really made me feel better about myself. I don't only have to see my stretch marks everyday, but I see the pouch. I believe my husband is so supporting, he still compliments my body and tells me I'm beautiful everyday.

I just thought I would share.:) I was going to upload a picture but ky phone isn't downloading Photobucket for some reason.:/


  • Photobucket



    after she was born

  • I got them really bad. I got puppps rash which made me itch alot and brought on alot of them.all I used was lotion to keept my belly hydrated afterwards and they faded quite a bit.my fiances the same way :)
  • @mommy2milla how long ago did you have your baby? Have they started fading yet?

    @maymommy11 I put lotion on them so it won't itch so bad. My son will be five months old soon and mine are not as red, but are very noticeable.
  • edited August 2011
    Mine are still noticeable too. Theres a bunch of small ones, and and some big ones at the top and bottom. nothing helped my itching :( my son is almost 4 montha old.
  • @misty2011 I had her August 9th and Noope still very bright lol but I have them everywhere literally but marks of love I Cal them that or a new form of birth control just scare everyone off with my battle scars lmao
  • edited August 2011
    @mommy2milla @maymommy11 I just put lotion for dry skin on them,and it seems to help a lot.:) and haha. Yeah. It's a good birth control.
  • Someone said bio oil helps, but I havent tried it.
  • @maymommy11 I tried in the beginning, but I decided to stop because there was no point in wasting the money when I was just getting more and more, and they were getting bigger.
  • Ya I never realized how big I got untill I looked at picturess during my labor. I got stretch marks on my arms too.
  • My stretch marks with my first where so bad every midwife on the labour ward came to stare and point. They start at my knees and end at my belly button. They were purple. After 5years iv learnt to love them. My fiance has only ever known me with my marks and says I would look like an alien without them lol.
  • I got them on my belly, ass, inner thighs, outer thighs, my lower back and on my hips :( ugh i feel so ugly and I'm afraid my man is becoming less attracted to me he says he isn't but i guess I just feel he is because i feel like I look disgusting..
  • I would use bio oil on my stomach at the beginning of my pregnancy and I'm 35 weeks and I don't have any but I didn't put any on my hips which I didn't think I would get any there but I gained all of my weight in my legs so I have a bunch there
  • Same here @maymommy11 but I have some on the thighs too.

    @misselfae there's nothing you can do but to love them. They're going to be there forever. But, atleast we have beautiful babies because of them.:) and how did that make you feel about them pointing? Whenever I went in to ne induced the nurse was like "oh my, you have horrible stretch marks" its like "oh wow, thanks for making me feel good."
  • @chels I went through the same thimg for a while, but my husband assured me that I'm still beautiful. I bet you still look great.:)

    @newmomma13 how many times did you apply the bio oil a day?
  • When I first started I would put it twice then I slacked off to once a day
  • I was only 20 so I was devastated. I hadn't given them much thought until an emergency appointment at the hospital and I overheard the midwife tell her colleague you have to see this girls stretchmarks iv never seen anything like it. I promptly burst into tears. I remember my mum telling me off for being so covered up that first summer after having him. Now ill happily wear my bikini!
  • @newmomma13 how much did it cost, do you remember?

    Your welcome @chels

    @misselfae I'm only 18 so I felt the same. I would only wear a bikini top whenever I was in the pool with my husband, but now I cover myself up completely. I'm trying everyday to become more comfortable with myself.
  • @mommy2milla mines are worse than that. Trust me.
  • I was 17 yrs wen had my first son and I habe them
  • I got it at wallgreens it was maybe no more then 15 but it was the smaller bottle...I'm thinking that like after I have the baby that I'm going to buy the mederma which is like 30 and some more bio oil and put both of them on
  • It can't hurt to try both.:) @newmomma13
  • Lol I know combining forces is what it has come to lol
  • Haha. I dis. My husband said my belly looks like bam bam bigelows head with the flames on it.
  • edited August 2011
    I got em. I only had like 5 on each hip for the longest time, then around 30wks they started on my lower belly. But my belly was so big I couldn't really tell how bad they were, even in the mirror. It makes me sad :(

    This is me today, 3 wks postpartum.


    And here's the love of my life that makes it all worth it :X

  • @starrxoxo9 your baby is adorable!! And that's what happened to me, whenever I was smaller I started with about three, and then I got bigger and couldnt see all of them.
  • I got them HORRIBLE! Never got one until 39 weeks, I didn't have her for 15 days after that! I have them everywhere! But its totally worth it :)
  • Oh yes ma'am they are totally worth it!
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