I just lost my mucus plug...what should I do?

edited February 2011 in First time moms
So I passed my mucus plug around 9:45pm fed.26.2011...but im having little to no pain...WHAT SHOULD I DO? SHOULD I BE WORRIED?but umm i have to say although im alittle scared....im soo excited, my daughter isnt due till the 3.3.11...but I hope she gets here sooner...mommy can hardly wait anymore!


  • Just wait won't take long u no whej u feel ill or tmi will go to the loo frequently bubs will b commin get walking ect speedy labour vibes
  • Congrats, it'll be any day now ;)
  • Woop woop. Get walking hunny. If you have a pregnancy ball get on it and start rocking. It won't be long now x
  • Congrats! It could be any day now, but from my last pregnancy, it was a whole month between losing mine and delivery. Good luck!!!
  • WHwts the mucus plug I only no of water breakinh
  • Aww congrats happy for you mama :-D
  • Uh oh! Don't be worried. He or she will be here soon. Congrats and happy labor/delivery vibes!
  • Walking n sex now will be great! It could be anytime now but these two things help bring it on faster. Good luck
  • Congrats anyday now!! When I lost mine it was about another week maybe less and my babes was here..
  • I lost mine Feb. 12 and still,no contraxtions.,Losing it doesnt mean labor is coming in a day or two. It varies for everone....could be a month later. Good luck:)
  • What is a mucus plug? Im brand new to this whole pregnant thing.
  • @Beardreams a mucus plug what blocks your cervix during pregnancy it looks like mucus (or snot)....i lost mine yesterday
  • Thank you thank you ladies....well I be glad to infrom you that the day after I lost my mucus plug I went into labor, actually a hour losing it I went into labor..cause when me and my husband went to the doctor the next am we was already at 2cm. Delivered our baby girl feb.28th @ 2:03am...
  • Aww congrats n glad everything went well
  • @babiichica922 thank you for your reply :-) have you gone into labour yet?
  • @Beardreams your welcome and yes I'm in the hospital now...I'm makin a post asap..
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