someone put me out of my misery

I am stuck in a tiny hotel room with my husband for one more night and he won't stop farting. I swear I am going to go INSANE! Aaahhh! Don't get me wrong he's the love of my life..but at this point in time I want to strangle him. Grrrrrrr!


  • Haha my bf let a nasty one go and didn't have the decency to even point his butt in a different direction lol.
  • i get so annoyed when my boyfriend farts, i pull all the blankets off him and wrap them around me for 2 minutes and then share them again :P hahah
  • Lmbo sorry but I know how you feel. My bf loves to point his butt at me and fire or he will do it in the shower then quickly run away. He takes alot of protein supplements and when he drinks raw eggs I about die!!
  • My bf does it in his sleep all the time and I literally gag because of it smells
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