36 weeks!! i am thankful...

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I am now 36 weeks... Really close to the end!! As easy as it is to complain and wish for pregnancy to be over, I thought it'd be nice to share some Positive thoughts with each other!

With this pregnancy... I am thankful for..

- no stretch marks on my belly!
- no leaky nipples
- no cankles... And my rings not only still Fit, but they still spin
- no morning sickness
- ultrasounds that detected no problems and growth right on track
- lots of movement every day
- still have enough energy to work, walk the dog, etc
- can still shave my legs And down there myself
- babys heartbeat strong and regular every appt
- no gestational diabetes or pre e
- no Braxton Hicks
- no spotting
- can still fit in pre-preg jeans (buttoned below bump, of course!!)
- super supportive husband who's only missed 1 appt

What are you ladies thankful for?? Share your happy pregnancy stories!!


  • Ditto to all of the above except pregnancy clothes.

    I'm thankful for even becoming pregnant. I was told I could not conceive with out medical help. Thanks to the hcg diet unexpectedly increasing fertility I am now expecting my lil boy in 43 days!
  • Ditto to all,as well,:) but im thankful I can still see my private part lol ;)
  • @_kaykes congratulations on your little miracle then!! Hope the next 43 days are smooth sailing for you and your little boy is perfect!!

    @anadoll92 How far along are you? Congrats on your healthy pregnancy!
  • Im 39 & 5 days thank u :)
  • same as you except i have stretch marks, get braxton hicks a lot and cant fit into my old clothes haha
    im also thankful i haven't been very sore at all, i guess being young helps with that :)
    :) yay
  • @anadoll92 wow!! You're almost there!! Labor dust for you!!

    @smiley17 awesome!! How much longer til your EDD??
  • i'm a week overdue today haha but i'm getting induced tomorrow :)
  • Thanks,mama im getting induced monday cuz baby wont come out lol
  • Wow! I must admit I'm jealous. Your list is amazing. I'm thankful for the supportive husband, didn't have much morning sickness, can still shave my legs but have a hard time with my lady parts...it still gets done though.
  • that's great! sounds like my first pregnancy...this one i get the lucky chance of every symptom possible :) but Im happy and thankful to be able to experience it all
  • I'm just so thankful that everythings going good since this is my first pregnancy even with my ugly stretch marks I kno it'll all be worth it in the end (: I can't wait to meet my bby girl Payton.I'm 34&6 ...Good Luck to you all
  • I'm 32 wks, been so lucky, nothing to complain about except a little heartburn here and there. I have everything to b thankful for!!
  • @anadoll92 & @smiley17 Congrats and good luck with your inductions!! May your labors be as quick and painless as possible!

    @sexysecondtimemom Hope your pregnancy continues to go smoothly!! You're lucky!!

    @newmommy_2011 I got some awful marks on my butt and hips... I'm just glad they've left my tummy alone so far!! Good luck with your little girl!

    @kcike812 Lady parts are a challenge for me, too. I'm just glad I can still take care of business at all, even if it takes forever :-)

    @nameless You have a great attitude!! Thanks for sharing your positive energy.
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