can i ask to be induce a few days before my due date?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I'm due 9/11. Nothing bad about it but I just wanna give birth in the beginning of Sept. Like the 4 th. Will the doctor approve? Last time they checked me at l&d at 37 weeks I wasn't even dialated and thick.


  • I,doubt it hun but u can try asking im being induced monday vuz got a tiny belly but a loong baby
  • It never hurts to ask. Some drs have no problems doing it early and some are really strict about waiting, but the worst they can do is say no. Good luck!
  • They should if your 39 weeks and dilated. Induction won't work of you haven't started to dilate
  • I've always asked. I got induced with my son at 38 weeks cause I asked to be and my doc now is already talking about stripping my membranes at 38-39 weeks because he's going on vacation on my due date
  • If that's what you want then ask don't worry about what other people say about the baby being ready because if that was the case then they would be against the doctor stopping labor if its too early. Induction is a personal opinion and I don't see anything wrong with it
  • My Dr Wont Even Induce Me Unless Its Medically Necessary Sucks I Know :(
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