went to ER last night
So as i stated in my last post i had a bad headache. well it got worse and my right arm went numb for over 2 hours i had bad cramps in my back and vaginal area and my right side. i went to the hospital around 930 pm and they wanted me to wait 6 hours to be seen so i left and went to another that had no wait. i got wheeled back got a iv and a shot of morphine and sum tylenol. then i had blood work and urine work. blood showed low potassium. so then i had two huge potassium pills. doctor came in and said he heard a heart murmur (that was new). anyways he ordered a ultrasound for the baby and my arm since blood clots are common in pregnacy that turned out fine ultrasound showed me at 10 weeks and 6 days and heartbeat160 so that was good i didnt leave till 530 this morning im tired arm still kinda numb and now im off to my sons baseball game so that was a little about my friday night.