question for ftm

edited August 2011 in First time moms
So i was talking to some friends and sharing birth stories and i started sayin how when i was on the ward and i felt reli alone as i had to stay there over night and oh cudnt stay and i was still reli scared and i said i didnt know what to do with my baby instinctly and they seemed quite shocked and said that they knew what to do instinctly.. I havr had some probs emotionaly after giving birth and i had a few bonding issues and tbh this made me feel worse and i guess im hoping preglies can make me feel better.. But dnt b scared to say u did know instinctly.. I jus wanted to ask who felt.overwhelmed and jus didnt know what to do.?!


  • I don't think I will know
  • I think I got the panics when he would cry and since hubs worked nights slept through the day it was me on my own with him I'm not going to lie I was so tired I wish i could sleep some. But it passed and Jake has a routine now he is a handful bc he is spoiled but I think I can take care of him I'm my own
  • i havent had my baby yet but i think that thats how im goin to be cause i sit here and ask myself am i ready for a baby cause ive taken care of babies before but i cant give this baby back but soon everything will get better and we will know exactly what to do and were goin to be the only ones who knows what to do when out little bundle of joys cry and cry and cry.... youll be fine momma good luck
  • i'm just lucky honestly. i've played part time mom to so many lil ones i've already learned what to do. though i hear its completely different when its your own child, so i guess we'll see.
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  • I just started picking up skills from somewhere I felt a little.distant when he came out cuz.i was so doped up from my c section once it wore off I just became mom its ok everyday is going to b a learning process & it will get better talk to ur doctor at ur pp check up & good luck
  • edited August 2011
    I had no maternal instinct at all with my daughter.... there was no 'comes naturally'. I was scared sh!tless of the little squirmy thing that came outta me... but you learn, and adapt and it does get better...
  • I was lucky, I had a super sweet nurse who showed us everything, so even if I didn't really know what to do, it felt like I did. Not bonding with your baby straight off is SUPER common though. A lot of women don't talk about it because they feel ashamed, but it's normal. You're stressed out and tired and scared and confused, and it can be so overwhelming and even make you resentful the first few months. It gets better when you get more into a routine and you feel more comfortable. And when he starts smiling and cooing and stuff. It'll be ok!! : )
  • With my first I was so overwhemled I cried for 3 solid hours and the midwife with my permission took him so I could get some rest don't worry you will get there Xxx
  • i acquired skills at a young age, i was preparing myself in a sense, if it hadn't have been for that i would have been lost when my daughter came. it was still a lil overwhelming but i was more protective than anything so i as determined to get it right. time will be your best teacher. you should check out the video some just posted on here, you are not alone & anyone who makes you feel bad can kick mountains not rocks >:D<
  • Honestly, had my mom not had my little sister when I was 12 I would be scared and lost more than I am... Like ridiculously. I'm super freaked about bfing and all. One of my friends told me anyone who said they weren't scared is lying, or just really don't remember, have candy coated it in their mind. I don't know if that is true, but it seems to me that for ftms, it should only be natural to feel overwhelmed.
  • Thanks girls when i next get on a comp i think im ready to share my story xx
  • I just had my daughter on Friday and some things came naturally. But breastfeeding is not one of them. I had a mental breakdown today. I can honestly say I'm close to giving up
  • Been therr @jazzi89 i know how u feel i tried so hard and for so long to bf but i found it so freeking hard a diff bf didnt comr naturally to me.. Lo fed teli well i had loads of milk.. He was v happy to go from breast to bottle so i did some expressing but i found it si hard and the ptessure so much.. I stopped at 6 wks altho i hate myself for not being able to bf it helped give me a chance to bond
  • Been therr @jazzi89 i know how u feel i tried so hard and for so long to bf but i found it so freeking hard a diff bf didnt comr naturally to me.. Lo fed teli well i had loads of milk.. He was v happy to go from breast to bottle so i did some expressing but i found it si hard and the ptessure so much.. I stopped at 6 wks altho i hate myself for not being able to bf it helped give me a chance to bond
  • That is my biggest fear, I don't be able to bf for whatever reason. But like you, I will try and keep trying til I just can't and that I think is a great thing. 6wks! Most of my friends gave up in their 1st week! That is really good :) I am sure in this six weeks there was plenty of bonding!
  • Ya I'm trying real hard. She's a bit tongue tied and isn't good at sucking once she latches. Its really hard. Just now I've had my second successful bf since she was born. And she nursed for half an hr which is awesome! My milk hasn't come in yet so mayb it'll get better
  • It does get a lil biy better once ur milk comes in buy what i was never told was to make sure ut boob is empty before the nxt one or at least till they get to the thicker stuff coz thts when they feel full u can tell coz they slow down feeding loads.. But u can literally feel ur milk come in.
    i did i felt it when i was feeding him one night.. I was also quite lucky coz i never suffered when my milk came in
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