Bleeding OMFG

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I'M 7 week and I'm in the ER because I've been bleeding for 2 day, I got a pelvic exam that went fine know I'm waiting on an ultrasound soooooo nervous right know! Need some positive responds that will make my time go past while I'm waiting for the doctor to return.


  • I bled for all of week 7 and part of 8. Everything is fine though. Doctor said it is common. I hope everything is ok.
  • I bled at 8weeks. They told me it was old blood clearing!
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  • Happened to 3 friends mine all went on with healthy babies! Could be delayed implantation bleed. Best wishes, thinking of you x x
  • edited February 2011
    Im bleeding too. Im 6 weeks and started bleeding today, its like im having my period having period crmps too, nothing too painful. Im sooo scared that i am having a miscarriage, went to a and e early and doctor said it is common and its not to say that anything is wrong but got to wait til monday to have a scan to see whats going on :'(
  • Im in in tha same position an now im on bed rest till monday. Not to b nasty er all in ur business is it brown colored blood
  • I bled when I was 5 weeks. Had cramping and my morning sickness ymptoms subsided. Apparently it was implantation bleeding. I'm currently 15 weeks and things look good.
  • Sending lots of hugs & prayers... <3
  • Hope u and ur baby are okay
  • Hope everything is okay. God bless u and ur baby.
  • I bled at 7 weeks too. It was dark brown blood, but I still got checked out. Ultrasound was fine, and we got to see the baby's heartbeat. Turned out to just be implantation bleeding. Unless you have pretty bad cramps with it, don't stress too much. I'm sure you're fine. I'll say a prayer for you! :)
  • I just found out 2 days ago I'm 4weeks pregnant in I started bleeding I wentto er in it was just my period comin
  • Your period? That kind of defeats a pregnancy. Your period is essentially an unfertilized egg that has died. I'd be asking some questions about that one...
  • @Lele_mariee mine isnt brown, well it started off brown blood but now its like a full deep red period . I know in the bac of my mind that its not good news for me, but fingers cross xx :'(
  • I have heard some ppl can still have periods through out pregnancy, i hope all goes well for u and baby x
  • Np hun fingers crossed but i bet all will be fine x
  • My doc told me to stay on bed rest until i go for an ultrasound monday.. so try an relax flat on ur back an drink lots of water an eat healthy. Hope all goes well w| u an tha bby hun keep me updated
  • @lele_mariee hope everything goes well for u hun. :-)
  • @wifeytype Well I've had friends who where pregnant but still had their period during their pregnancy and she ended up having one healthy baby it all depends on your body tipe but I think you should still go check just in case ;;)
  • I have heard of periods through pregnancy too but not at 4 weeks. I've heard of mid-pregnancy periods, that is. Seems to me it'd be a miscarriage or just a regular period (absent of pregnancy). Weird.
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  • I think i knw what im gonna be told tomorrow :-(
  • Like the doctor representative on the show I didn't know I was pregnant says every time..."some women misinterpret bleeding during pregnancy as their periods" @mama_kat is right. Its not a period, could be a sign something is not 100% perfect, and not necessarily mc either. There are lots of reasons to bleed during pregnancy.
  • Try to stay positive. Its hard though but I hope you and baby are ok.
  • How do u get your blood level to go up
  • As far as I know, it just goes up. If you're only 4 weeks, it's going to be fairly low. I'm still hung up on your period mention from earlier though.
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