When I pump I'm hardly get anything.

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
Does anyone else have this problem my son will bf for like thirty min. But if I tried to pump hardly get even a half an ounce. So I bf at every feeding and then he takes formula as well.


  • Me! If you pump while he's nursing you'll get more that's what I do. I'm strictly breast feeding though. She gets 1 bottle a day if any. . She's 1 week old, how old is your baby?
  • My son won't latch at all I bought an electric pump I saw about two drips...frustrating
  • My daughter doesn't latch well, she is very fussy & goes on & off my nipple while bf her...I pump every 2-3 & get anywhere btwn 10-20mls after bf idk if thats good??? The pediatrician recommendes mothers milk tea im gonna go buy it tmrw
  • Even if I don't breastfed first I still don't get much.
  • Just because you cant pump doesnt mean baby isnt getting enough. Go by wet diapers and weight.
  • Weight your baby before and after feeding if your worried he's not getting enough.
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