baby bump running south!!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like my prego tummy is running south!! It's sooo low. I just realized today! I swear, one moment it's like right up in my face the next its like it's just running away!! It's crazy!! And my little girl has her behind poked out...imagine that lol...And I was rubbing lotion on my tummy and when I would rub downwards It felt like I was pushing her against my very bottom lady parts! It didn't was uncomfy but I'm thinking maybe she's about to pick her birthday any day now!! Anyone feel like their tummy is trying to take a vacation down south lol?


  • So I was up most of the night with crampiness and a back ache. But it seems to have stopped. I'm a little sad =p
  • Mine has stayed extremely low too my ultrasound tech knows me as the girl with the baby that's hard to find bc he's so low
  • I hope she decides to come very soon. With my other 2 I never noticed when or if they dropped. And I dont know if I will notice this time either unless she moves, shes already pretty low.
  • Oddly enough baby herself has always been on the low side...Well mainly like the first 25wks. She'd even lay like with her back down and her stretched out long way in my hips. It was sooo painful. Then she became to big and moved up into my ribs. Now she's back down in my pelvis lol.
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