7 lbs in 4 Weeks : (



  • Pliometrics!! This time im goin to do p90x lol.. It has everything cardio, weight training, plyometrics.. And I drank home made berry smoothys.. Yum!
  • @blushing_mommy I'm 5' 5" :) I'm a short sh*t!
    @jay_brad I still have all my skinny clothes a well but I don't think my butt will ever seize back into any of my old jeans again :/ my hips widened so much that they dislocated! I still have faith I will lose most of the weight and tighten back up, but my body is no way no how going to be the same again, I will be "full figured" rather than patite for the rest of my life. And I'm totally okay with that, as long as I don't get lazy!
  • @sunshinelove I'm also 5'5 haha :)
  • @jay_brad :D aren't we awesome with our short selves
  • @sunshinelove prtty awesome if you ask me haha! But my BA donk a donk was never small enough to let me fit in petite pants.. haha :">
  • @lovebeingmommy, yeah, we were hoping for a girl, we will now have 4 boys and 1 girl.... Poor abby. She's never gonna get to go on a date in peace, lol!
  • @jay_brad I don't think I'm even gonna miss my buttlessness >:D< I could do without thee cellulite! But my hubby likes girls with butts n thighs so I'm lucky there :
  • @sunshinelove since when is 5'5" short? I'm 5'4" and I have to buy long pants, lol!! Everyone thinks I'm tall around here. Maybe I live in munchkin land :-D
  • @charlotteb you must!!! I'm always the shortest where I live!! @sunshinelove I could loose some butt and be happy.. I have plenty to share lol
  • @carlotteb you really must! Around here my height makes me look 12 compared to an average adult! Most around here are at least 5' 7"! But when I go to like idaho and washington, I tower over ppls! So I don't rally know what short and talk are considered these days!
    @jay_brad we should try to sell our butt fat to skinny people!
  • @sunshinelove you think it will work?? Just wait till jlo dies and try to sell on eBay as hers.
  • @jay_brad we will make millions!
  • I've gained 3 lbs since wednesday! We've had parties and sports potlucks both days this weekend and each day I woke up a lb heavier. I usually just gain a lb a week so I'm freaking out lol
  • @sunshinelove Hell i have gained so much im almost 5'1 and i wanna say pre pregnancy i was like 120ish(but fitish) and now im 150! And im only 28w! And i have noooo care haha. I just get mad when people are like oh no you have two in you! No i dooont im just short and squished!
  • I hate when people ask if there r 2 n there, I'm 36+ weeks and have only gained 28-30 pounds which compared to the 50+ I gained all 3 other times I'm down with. So kiss off belly haters!!!!
  • Omg that is the worst! Are you sure there aren't 2 in there? Ffffff man next time someone random asks how far along I an imma say I'm 20 weeks with quadruplets
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