17, maybe preg but unsure.
I'm 2 1/2 days late on my period with no sign of it comin. Iv had slight cramps on and off but nothin like normal. My boobs hurt, I get bad back pains/preasue and I crave reese cups. Idk. Iv been more tired, exhaustion usually comes at 6 pm. If I am I'd only be 4 weeks and I'm takin a test tomorrow. Has this happened to any one. Thanks for ur help. Oh and headache, the worst, they make me dizzy and nausuas.. my face broke out bad to, well bad for me, usually I get 1-3 really bad pimples every two weeks no I get atlest 5 a day.
I was tired by 8, boobs were growing and sore. My fav food tasted bland. The kicker was implantation bleeding and slight cramps. The day after that I took a pregnancy test, and saw the faintest line; it was so faint, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
The morning after that, took a First Response with first morning urine, bam, instant pink line.
I don't want to sound negative but at 17 I hope you get a neg. I'm 23 and its hard enough, at 17 you need to finish school and live some life, not have a life. Good luck I wish the best either way