
edited January 2011 in Health
I woke up bleeding and went to the ER they did an ultrasound and said they couldn't find anything.. they also told me i am RH negative.. they gave me the shot.. I don't know what is going on and I am freaking out.. any help?


  • Wow am going through the same thing since by calculations am 12 weeks now hoping more weeks will make a difference I was bleeding for a week I think I might have had a misscrage but I feel werid I can't explain it but when I talk about how i feel to my sister she says it the am in the middle the doctor says they didn't see anything and maybe its too early this was two weeks Ago am hoping and praying I didn't lose my baby this is my first pregnancy. By the way hi. My name is vilote.
  • The same thing happened to me on Saturday. But the ER said a blood vessel had ruptured behind the baby. When I looked it up on line, it was pretty common for this to happen once the baby starts moving. (around 10 weeks) I had and ultra sound this week and the bleeding has stopped and the baby is fine.
  • The doctors keep telling me if I'm not having blood clods it might be just blood that it is not so unusual during an early pregnancy... but I am still scared because they r telling me nothing is for sure ..everyone keeps telling me its a misscarage and that is not helping at all
  • Hello ladies spotting during pregnancy is sometimes common. I had spotting during first pregnancy and my son is now ten. The second pregnancy however I had little more and ended up having miscarriage. I'm now pregnant third time so far so good I pray each or you will have a blessed pregnancy if any of you lose baby I'm part of wonderful support group too its called HEAL
  • Heartache endured after loss HEAL I hope this helps
  • Iam 7 weeks been bleeding some all week.really scared so I know what u r going througj
  • My second pregnancy i had a lot of bleeding at 12 weeks, thought it was a miscarriage. My son is now 4. But I did later find out that I have a blood clotting disorder, factor 5 lieden. Something to ask your md about if you keep bleeding.
  • Ok thanks they took blood today will get results tomorrow
  • I will ask him about it.. thank you for the advice ....I went to the ER and they were able to see the fetus now:)
  • Thats good got my results they said everything is ok for me to relax.they saod some women bleed for unknown reasons.
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