edited February 2011 in Pregnant
But I keep reading hot dogs are a no no??? :'(


  • Really? I didnt know that lol. I hate hot dog but you make me want one now lol, I had one maybe a few weeks ago and I was fine. What makes them bad?
  • Omg I didnt know that.. im hungry now and I want a hot dog, darn it I was guna make one now im scared to.
  • my husband reads everything and if it says I can have it he won't let me :(.. idk why I just know it was on the list of what not to eat.. ima google it lol
  • I just ate whataburger but this baby really wants a hot dog!! Aaahhhh!!
  • You Can eat it if it's cooked to steaming just like lunch meat
  • Its the same as lunch meacarrin has a chance of carring the same thing that it does
  • It says listeria infection that could be deadly to the baby.. symptoms are those like the flu. @finally yea I read that too but idk if its worth it :\
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  • I don't eat lunch meat.. I want a hot dog BAD hubby said he's gonna make me one that's cooked really well, he's boiling it. :) I don't eat them all the time so I should be good right?
  • U can eat hot dogs just like lunch meat it has 2 be cooked its just that it can easily get bacteria like lunch meat thats y it has 2 b cooked. I trust my doctor and he never said it would harm the baby EVER. Its just if u dont cook it u can get food poisoning.
  • Yay! Hubby said I can eat them at home but not out bc you nevver know if they cook them well enough, I agree :D
  • I throw mine in the microwave to be sure then onto the grill for the flavor!! best of both worlds I guess.
  • I was a few weeks into my pregnancy n I ate it I threw it up its d nastiest thing ever so ever since then I hate em lol
  • Jeeze! I didn't know hotdogs were bad for you! I've been eating them everyday with sourcrout. That's all I crave! Omg... the last one I ate was night before last. Now I'm scared.
  • I had 3 corndogs yesterday and I feel fine just make sure they are steaming hot to kill any bacteria
  • I didn't know lunch meat was bad.... I've eaten so much of it oh well nothing I can do now.....
  • I asked my high risk Dr about this. She said hot dogs and lunch meats r fine just make sure they r thoroughly cooked and or heated up (lunch meats). They can carry listeria a bacteria. She said its not as much of an issue in the US cuz of r health standards. And we always ingest a lil bit of it in foods so we don't get sick from it unless its a lot at once. So just heat up ur lunch meats and hot dogs well and chow down and ur baby will be ok :) happy dining moms! Hope this helped it did for me cuz I love my ham and hot dogs lol.
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