Itching my ass off

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Okay I seriously don't know what to do!
We moved in the middle of July and there for about a month I was good but now I'm being bite by something all the time. I seriously have lke thirteen new bites from today and some swell up pretty good. The only problem is I never see what bites me :-/ they look like mosquito bites. My thing is I don't know what to do to end this from happen but something has to be done before my daughter is born. I can't bring her home to my question is what do you think it is and how the he'll do I get rid of it?


  • Maybe bug zappers?
  • Check for bed bugs. Also consider getting a company like Terminix to come and do quarterly pest control. It really works. You can actually see where bugs die outside of or house in a perimeter. They simply don't come in. It's awesome and I don't think it's too expensive.
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