He doesn't care enough?

My little girl is 5 weeks old as of yesterday and me and my bf are staying at my moms house instead of ours right now because our house gets ridiculously hot during the summer so were saving for an air conditioning unit. My bf hates staying here and on his days off he's been staying at our house but I won't go with him, its just too hot of an environment for my baby. But he doesn't care he would rather be there and it bothers me why can't he just suck it up and be here for me and our baby, he still goes out with his friends I'm the only one who takes care of the baby and I would like a brake sometimes. he feels like he's doing so much for the baby but he's not, he hasn't bought her one thing since she's been born. I'm just so frustrated, I thought things were going to be so different


  • Same here, ur definitely not alone. Me and my Bd just broke up a couple days ago cuz i was sick of him not doin shit. My obligation is wit my child not him. Not gonna take on more than I can handle. And we were suppose to b diff too. We planned our baby so I thought he was ready. Jus selfish...
  • Same here, ur definitely not alone. Me and my Bd just broke up a couple days ago cuz i was sick of him not doin shit. My obligation is wit my child not him. Not gonna take on more than I can handle. And we were suppose to b diff too. We planned our baby so I thought he was ready. Jus selfish...
  • Same here, ur definitely not alone. Me and my Bd just broke up a couple days ago cuz i was sick of him not doin shit. My obligation is wit my child not him. Not gonna take on more than I can handle. And we were suppose to b diff too. We planned our baby so I thought he was ready. Jus selfish...
  • I just really want this to work but honestly my feelings are changing for him I'm so tired of him not helping
  • Have u talked to him bout it? Calmly!
  • yes i would talk to him about it but non confrontational maybe just maybe there might be a reasoning behind it? Does he get along with your mother? Just asking bc i went thru the same with my hubby when we stayed with my parents bc my mom was supposed to help me out with my older son when i had just given birth to my younger one and i came to findout that both my parents were being jerks to him behind my back X( So just talk to him maybe he just doesnt feel comfortable there
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