Mom's with Gestational Diabetes

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Before your glucose test came back elevated or what not did you have symptoms at all?
My 1 hour test came back slightly elevated.. So i go tomrrow for my 3 hour test. Hoping all goes well but how could i possibly have gest. diabetes with no symptoms? My whole pregnancy has been wonderful and no problems once so ever.. Im just very confused... I know it doesnt mean i have it, but im just confused as to why it was up..


  • I didn't have any symptoms
  • I didnt have any symptoms, besides going to the bathroom ALOT. more than normal pregos. lol
  • @sweeetie30 @Ittybitty I dont feel like i got to the bathroom more then normal. This just baffles me...Im hoping all is good tomrrow. Do they switch arms when taking blood all those times?
  • yea, they will switch unless the nurse is stupid.. but if she starts to do it in the same arm back to back than just ask her to do it in the other arm
  • @Ittybitty LoL thanks for the heads up.
  • ur welcome.
  • I could be wrong, but my friend had GD when she was pregnant and said that she didn't have any symtoms 1st. They usually don't start to appear until the last few weeks. She said at 36 weeks her daughter was the length of a baby at 42 weeks. I think the GD is more based on the growth of your child rather than you. Again...I could be wrong, I don't know much about it so please don't quote me on any of it.
  • @RhiRiot I understand and thanks so much for the info. I just googled it and let me just say google never made me nervous before but now after reading about GD im nervous.. I absoultly HATE needles if i have to give my self insulin ill freak.
    @Ittybitty do you have to give your self insulin or do they have oral insulin pills? Just wondering. Or can you control yours with diet and exercise?
  • Idk I have to pee more and I'm way more thirsty than normal and I get real tired real if I don't eat and feel like passing out
  • and insulin is the last option I'm on gluybride 2 pills twice a day
  • at first they tried to control it with a diet than it went to pills than it went to insulin.. most woman can control it with diet and/or pills so dont freak out.. my dads whole side of the family has diabetes so I had a higher chance of having it.. GD can make the baby overweight (not in a good way) so they put u on a diet... Im not going to lie to u, IT SUCKS ASS! .. not being able to eat when and what u want really sucks. I had a perfect weight gain my whole pregnancy so they didnt think I'd have it but I did. I was induced at 39weeks and she was perfectly healthy. if u do have it alls u have to do is do what the dr's tell u and everything will be ok, I promise.
  • Yes just like @ittybitty said don't be like me in denial cause now not only do I have gd I have a very very good chance my doctor said maybe a year if diet controlled that I will have full blown diabetes after the baby is born
  • @Ittybitty @vayanna thanks for the info. Do either of you know if GD is passed thru the family like if someone in my family had GD or diabetes at all then id get it, because i know diabetes is on both mine and the father of the babys sides of the family. Just curious..
  • my dr said it makes the chances higher and it also makes the chances of having diabetes after baby higher also
  • @Ittybitty @vayanna Grrr... LoL pray for me ladies... Im ready to get this test over and done with.. Tomrrow can not come fast enough.
  • Yes it runs your risk and the babies risk for diabetes higher doesn't always mean they will get it for sure though
  • food luck. I hope u pass it :)
  • @ittybitty my nurse =Stupid lol she did it all in the same arm but it wasnt that bad
  • what? I woulda been like no u stupid b**** let me poke u in the same arm 4 times.. ughh
  • I have gd. The diet sucks total ass I struggled to gain weight throughout the whole pregnancy and after the diet total weight gain is 13 lbs. I'm being induced tonight at 38+1. I had to take a pill at night to help with my fasting sugars but otherwise managed with diet.
  • Oh yeah mine was done in same ARM just because it was the best vein but she used butterfly needle
  • Lol im bruised up. Good luck with ur induction @m2bhope @ittybitty I look like I shoot up or something lol I have a line of four pokes :/
  • wow.. I would have looked at her like she was stupid and jerked my arm away.. I went for a two hr test a couple weeks ago to see if its gone and the nurse asked me what arm I wanted it in.. ur nurse SUCKED.. u should have told her to do it in the other arm too.
  • Yeah I should of @ittybitty I was just worried about eatting food lol
  • lol, I know what u mean.. did u have anyone go with u? Ryeighs daddy went with me. I knew I was going to b to weak to drive. but it wasnt as bad as I thought it was gona b
  • Yeah I should of @ittybitty I was just worried about eatting food lol
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