Not kidding, the easiest/cheapest/most natural way to get rid of heartburn

edited August 2011 in Pregnant

My preference: pickles.
I always get super bad heartburn whenever I lay down and it always clears it right up! Why pay money for prescriptions or medicines that are unnatural?? Pickles, mustard, or anything with vinegar are cheap and better for you!

Heartburn is a common annoyance for pregnant women. I promise you! This works!


  • Yum! Ill give it a try! Thank u :)
  • Huh, seems counter productive but when its bad ill try anything... lol. Thanks.
  • Apple cider

    Vinegar is on the list of natural remedies, but it doesn't help me. Apple cider is what I give my pediactric patients for reflux in between their meds. Most apple products will help.
  • I've got a huge list of things that alkaline your tummy!! Apparentw while your trying to conceive if you alkaline your body its easier to conceive a boy. Dunno bout you guys but apple vinegar is the most horrible thing the ever tasted lol. But its true. That and lemons. Even though there acidic, when there digested the acid has an opposite effect. Lemon on your pancakes or in your tea :)
  • Thanks!!! I looove pickles: )
  • Chewing gum helped me in the beginning now only milk will.
    Yuck to pickles lol
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