Attack of 9/11 on NatGeo!
So I'm watching the attacks on the World Trade Centers! Anybody else? This is so tragic to even be watching nonpregant I'd be in tears. They were playing the 911 calls & omg my heart was just breaking. I couldn't even imagine thousands of people died that day. I was in maybe 6th grade when this happened so I never really paid attention due to the fact I was like 11. & 10 years later it's a big deal. Wish I would of been paying attention then. I've just been watching this channel since yesterday. Last night they were showing Bush's interview & when he was at Ground Zero a couple days after the attack was amazing just hearing everybody chant USA. & everybody come together. Ok well i'll be watching 9/11 all week. Lol
My 5th grade class, teacher Mrs. Green, decided the next morning we wanted to do something to help. We told out teacher who talked to the school board and allowed our class to raise money to send to the red cross, I was the #1 money raiser and got my picture in the news paper! And our class made a blanket and put our picture in the center to send with the money...
That is a year Ill never forget.....