more than likely they wont.. unless you already told them you do or have smoked it during your pregnancy.. there are areas that do manditory testing.. and some that volentaryly test because they think you may be a user.. they are not likely to do much.. they may have you talk to a social worker from cps.. i would suggest drinking lots of water.. and you should abstain from any more.. my lil sis smoked sparaticaly throughout her preg.. i dont condone it but i do believe there are much worse things you can do during pregnancy.. just my oppinion
Cps would be called here in Texas and they do test at birth here too... where are u from? Cps here could take your baby if they decided to until you took and passed another drug test... but sometimes they let u keep your child until you test the second time but if you fail the second test they will take u to court for your rights as a parent. This just happened to a friend of mine here in Houston tx... I don't know all laws for every state but be safe.
When in labor, most states will draw blood to test for drugs, mainly illegal, from the mother to see if there is anything floating around. Here in Utah, if mother tests positive for anything, they test baby once it's born. Even when the mother tests positive, they contact Child Protective Services to report drug use. CPS will follow up on the case, but I don't know what happens after the mother/child leave the hospital.
They test only curtain babies in Iowa & they do it with out you knowing! If it comes out pos they call cps & they take your child away! I smoked once in awhile till I was like 3 months (only thing that helped with morning sickness so I could eat) until I got insurance n could get medication..I know women who smoked everyday until month should be fine I hope
It depends what state you live in, most states only test baby if mom tests positive and then they would call cps. But some states only test if they think they need to, look up the laws in your state. Drink a lot of water! I used to smoke a ton of weed but quit when I got pregnant, if you did only take a couple hits you should be okay
What state do you live in? I also suggest going to the pharmacy and buying a drug test to see if your still dirty in a couple of days, and try not to stress too much, you're preggo and pee a ton! So I'm sure you'll be able to test clean before you go into labor!
Im in MN and they DO test your blood, from what I've been told, they call a social worker and cps. I've never dealt with it myself, so I don't know the actual protocol for it, but like @mommy2isaiahngiselle said, it stays in your blood way longer and you can't flush it out of your blood.
I would call the health department for your state or even human resources at the hospital where you will be delivering and ask that youd like to ask anonymously the laws about drug testing at birth.
There isn't enough thc in second hand smoke to make you test positive. One use will only be detected in urine for 1-6 days and in a blood test for 2-3 days. So if you're urine is clean your blood will be for sure.
Well it won't hurt to detox your system. Drink plenty of fluids and definitely stay away from second hand smoke and don't smoke anymore. I was a pot head too and I'm also 38 weeks. My doctor and WIC counselor know that I smoked before I found out that I'm pregnant so Idk if they'll test me and my son. I got a copy of my prenatal info and on it was Drug Use: none Other Risk Factors: smoked weed prior to knowledge of pregnancy. I guess in my state its not considered drug use? ) I live in WA which is one of the medical marijuana states, so I guess I wouldn't be that surprised.
It stays in your blood longer than urine, especially in cases where you are overweight, or have extra weight on your body (such as being pregnant) and have a low metabolism (which pregnancy also causes), im not judging you, but im giving you the facts that they will most likely test you, and if you go into labor before your due date, beings you're around second hand smoke from it a lot, you could easily test positive in a blood test.
I'm well aware I could easily test positive. Probability of being tested and consequences in Minnesota was what I was looking for.. I haven't heard of anyone here having issues over it, but I'm cautious. I don't think they do blood tests here, my brothers girlfriend was a frequent smoker but quit sometime shortly before my niece was born. I'm sure she would have been positive if they tested her blood.
Sorry to keep arguing but it stays in your urine longer.. that's why urine tests are more commonly used then blood tests, in your blood thc is metabolized very fast and stored in your fat cells where it can be detected through your urine and feces.. I've done my research, I know from personal experience with probation and other things and talked to my doctor about it. ANYWAYS I'm done arguing, good luck mamma :-)
@mommy2isaiahngiselle okay not arguing, but disagreeing, I'll agree to disagree :-) lol I've passed blood tests and failed urine tests in the same day so I just have my own opinions about it.
I just told you Im in MN hun....I said they DO test your blood and call a social worker and cps if its positive, I haven't ever personally dealt with it, but I do know that's MN protocol.
Lol well I just looked it up and I got different information going both ways... I would have thought it stayed in the blood system longer then urine but I found more info stating the opposite ... but both my brother and sister in law are nurses so I'll ask them when they get home from work. Either way there's a good chance you will be tested... its best if u stay away... and if you test positive don't blame it on second hand smoke because Drs, nurses, and cps won't believe that and just use the fact u can't stay away from the drug or people doing the drug while your pregnant against u.
If ur from texas cps takes ur baby away untill further investigation. They tookmy friends baby away she doesbt smoke but her baby daddy does so it rubbed on her.
Probability of being tested and consequences in Minnesota was what I was looking for..
I haven't heard of anyone here having issues over it, but I'm cautious. I don't think they do blood tests here, my brothers girlfriend was a frequent smoker but quit sometime shortly before my niece was born. I'm sure she would have been positive if they tested her blood.
I agree though.. smh @mgrose @mshahir