Help! Anybody measuring ahead??

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I had an u/s yesterday and instead of being 35w2d im measuring 38w4d! Anyone else have this happen and what did your doc have to say?


  • Yep, I've been measuring 2+ wks ahead since 29 wks. My doc will not do anything until 39 wks, because I am pretty sure of my dates and my first u/s at 21wks baby was only measuring 3 days ahead. My due date was moved up 3 days. But that's it. I also tend to have big babies and this is my 3rd
  • Im measuring 1 week ahead. Have been since 33 weeks but my dr wont do the c section until 39 wks still. Im 36 wks now
  • At 32wks measuring about 2wks ahead. Dr. Said nothing and wait until 39 weeks for induction, like said above
  • I had my 12 week NT scan yesterday and I'm 12+5 and I measured 13+5, I always knew you could measure big/small later on in pregnancy but I thought early on was pretty accurate, not sure whick number to go off of.
  • I'm 33wks and he's measuring a week and half almost two weeks ahead. So far doctor isn't planning to do anything til we check measurements closer to time, I really don't want to go over and I definately don't wanna have a huge baby!
  • I'm measuring 2+ weeks ahead. I
  • I just realllllly dont want a c section and im measuring 3+weeks ahead and at my 20w ultrasound i was measuring about 2w ahead
  • me. i am measuring 4 wks ahead. so i am measuring at 44w. wa...hooo.. *rolls eyes* doc is just waiting on me to go into labor (stupid doctor issue #700something) i had an ultra sound and at 37 w they estimated her to be 7 lbs. but i dont really rely on those
  • I am measuring 2 weeks ahead. I am 36 weeks now & my stupid doctor hasn't said that she would be doing anything.
  • Uuuuugggh i hope my doc does something
  • I'm measuring 3-4 weeks ahead but baby was measuring about right I believe appt in the morning we'll see if I'm still measuring big. At 32 weeks I measured 35 1/2 and at 34 weeks they said I measured about 38 I'm 35+2 (or should i say i will be at my appt lol 35+1 for another hour and 5 mins lol) now so we'll see
  • The ultrasound lady said she would say my due date is sept 17 not oct 3 now but the doc could say something totally different
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