quick question need an answer....or two

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Why is it that u can't microwave bottles? I know ur not suppose to but why? I'm at my friends n they have no hot water, and I don't want to ask to boil water I just met them ( they r friends of my fiance n seem alittle edgy mood wise) I gave her a room temp bottle I hope she doesn't get a tummy ache :( gosh I hope we leave soon lol


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  • It doesn't warm evenly. The hot pockets could burn babies mouth.
  • I think its mainly because a microwave doesnt heat it all the way around it kinda heats it unevenly so it can be hot to the touch on thr outside or bottom but cold in the middle
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  • You can microwave the water but not the formula.. Once you add the formula and mix it it cools it all to the same temp. The baby will be fine with one cold bottle don't worry hun
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  • You can give room temp and even cold bottles. There's really no reason to heat a bottle. But you could always heat up water in a bowl or mug and then set the bottle in it to warm it.
  • I warm up the water only with a bottle warmer but then add the formulA. room temp water is ok I do it :)
  • They don't tell you, but microwaves kill the enzymes & nutrients in the formula. Heating just the water is ok. And I always use room temp water so babies don't get used to always requiring heated water.
  • If your not home you can always microwave the water in a cup then placed the bottle inside to warm the milk up.
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