teen pregnancy *our stories & outcomes are NOT all the same!

a girl i know on fb posted

"This is crzy everyone I knew from like way back when is about to have a baby. Do ya'll really think a baby is gonna make your life better I mean some of you are lik 16 17 years old this is not the way to go. I really wish you young ladies had waited I really do this is really nuts and I am so disapointed in ya'll fah real.#Last of a dying breed!! And das my good word!! }=<"

& that really got to me because most of us dont sit around & just say "hey i think i want to have a baby & put my life on hold." things do happen & despite what people want to believe when they happen is completely out of our control weather precautions are taken or not. God determines when & to whom a life will be brought into this world. instead of being disappointed in us i wish people would try to being encouraging & uplifting to us to be the best mothers we can be because after a deed is done its done & thats all there is to it.

even though im 17 & will be 18 when my daughter gets here & im still more established & well off than some of these older married women thats including financially. unlike actual reckless females I KNOW who my childs father is. i WONT be living off my mother OR government assistance. she'll NEVER have to go without having & she WONT have to experience what it means to struggle. being a teen mother doesnt mean your life is over or youll fail. it simply means things wont come as easy but you know what the same person that blessed me with her is going to be the same person getting me through.

i hate narrow minded people & i swear itll be a cold day in hell before i let someone put me in such a category & give me a label.

i had stated to her during our conversation:

"you cant just come off the back & say that. what about the girls that get raped & get pregnant? & the ones who really are just going on a downward spiral & just cant seem to get themselves on the right path? you cant judge every teen pregnancy on the same reason when we dont all have the same story ‎& safe sex doesnt ensure a thing, condoms break and birth control can fail once again its not up to us, God decides when things happen.

& she said

" I really understand what those girls that get raped and get pregnan go through no one can say I can't be cause I have been through a situation like that and I dont jugde the girls like that cause its not their fault no one in this world can say that i jugde the girls like that. I honestly jugde the ones who chose to open there legs with out protection or with out being on birth control cause condom cost nothin but five dollars and birth control is free so to tell me I don't have the whole story is bullshit ppl should get offened when they know their not the product of a recless situation and if you know that condoms break and birth control fail then dont do anything cause thats a sure fire way."

right before this she had the nerve to "brag" about how she has protected sex & nothing has happend to her but yet contradicted herself by saying "if you know that condoms break and birth control fail then dont do anything cause thats a sure fire way." without her practicing abstinence herself she could EASILY be in the same boat.

ughh gosh she pissed me off for the night!


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  • Well i know right now alot of people are posting: Im __ weeks and craving _____… but that's some cancer awareness or game thing.
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  • Unfriending her would be an excellent idea. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people and go on your peaceful way. No room for folks like that.
  • @USMCwifemommy101107 im glad im on my way out. ive never been judged & labled so much in my life!
  • i hate teenagers. even though i am one. i always forget that though. feel like im 30, husband,house,job,school,kid,bills,everryttthinng. no time for teenage drama!
  • I don't think age makes u a good mom. I know older moms who don't deserve to take care of a dog let alone a child. The comments she made were very ignorant, an shld b ignored. Soon enough it'll happen to her an u can sit bak an laugh. Don't let foolish people get u dwn, ur gona b a great mommy :)
  • Completely agree. This is such a coincidence because I posted a status tonight on facebook that said "Being a young mom means we got to meet a little early but I get to love him longer. Some people say my life ended when I had a baby, but it only just begun. He didn't ruin my future, he gave me a new one <3" :)
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  • Wow!!! I was 18 and 5months old when I had my daughter and she sat at 4months Crawled at 6months walked at 11months. She ate pureed vegies for the first year. She started school early (4. Now 5.) and is now at the same level as the 7year old in her class. She can read a whole book by herself.
    Tell this woman to go F@%K herself. That a sure way to prevent against 'unwanted' pregnancy.
  • @BentleysMommy i love that! i just wish there was more people telling us that we can do it & be great mothers instead of frowning down upon us for young age. it takes maturity determination & great love for your child to be a great mother, NOT old age.
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  • That's exactly what I said. I was like ok, IT'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE, so why can't you just be happy for us and encourage us, instead of putting us down or doing the what if's. It's too late for what if's. It is what it is, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my son with my whole heart.
  • Smdh.. people are so ignorant, I hate people that judge me, ya I got pregnant at 17, I'm only 18 and I'm NOT getting married, but seriously if you don't know me stfu.
  • i have 2 friends both pregnant at 14 one got pregnant again at 16 always handed her two kids to other people never had them still don't now at 21 and has another child, lives of benefits, never had a job or finished school

    the other one has always been a brilliant mum always looked after her baby her self her own mum use to be like look let me have him for a few hours cos everyone deserves a break! very rarely she left him with any one, she now has a brilliant Job her own house

    just goes to show that every case is different
  • Young mom's never get the credit they deserve for having the strength and courage to have a child at such a young age. I was 17 when I was pregnant for the first time. Not a day goes by I don't think what could have been or feel guilt free. I wish I knew then what I do now. I didn't have the courage a lot of young ladies do to keep the child. It's unfortunate the stigma that's attached to being so strong and brave. Keep up the good work ladies. There's a lot of amazing young mom's out there that I truly admire.
  • I wasn't a mum in my teens, I was 22 when I had my son and damn it was hard at times and still is. I congratulate the mums who are younger and do a great job because I dont know if I could have ever done it younger. I feel sad though for the young girls who get pregnant intentionally then get a reality check later on. As mums we give up alot for our children, its a big decision that shouldnt be taken lightly.
  • oh that just pissed me off reallll goood. Not all teen mom are crappy mothers. Yes there are some teen mothers as well as older mothers that dont deserve to be moms. But then there are ones like us, that yes, it wasnt supposed to happen, but we are going to make the very best of the situation and love our child no matter what happens. I was 18 when I got pregnant and Ill have my son when im 19. BD is in my life and wants to be by our side no matter what. It isnt like while we were having sex we were praying to get pregnant. Stuff happens and little miracles come from it. She needs to get her mess straight before talking down to us pregnant women. (: I agree with @blueberrysmom - Block the dumb girl. (:
  • NOT trying to say you are not but how are u better off financially than an older women at 17? Just curiosity, wondering what I should have been doing at 17 that I missed...
  • Lots and lots of work. No play. Some times when I see people my age talking about "the party last night" I get a little jealous, but I remember I have a good job, a great family..I'm just a few years ahead of them.
  • @bentleysmommy I posted the same stat .
  • And maybe what she meant was teens purposelt ttc, instead of bashing ALL teens
  • I agree with @kalorexcierre a damn rusty pipe with a nail in it lmao!

  • @excitedforoctober im a tfund baby. i was left a house thats paid for & will be in my name officially on my 18th bday & i have enough money to where i only have to work during my life because i choose to. i was blessed with a step aunt that thought the world of me
  • @OhHowWonderful Thats good, you got lucky...
  • Im not a teenager now, but if I would have got pregnant when my husband and I first started trying I would be. I just did turn 20 when I was finally able to get prego. But I believe that my husband and I are alot better off financially then some older women. My husband is a coal miner and makes almost $100,000 a year, we own our own 3 story home, and we both have 2009 model vehicles. With me being 20 and him 23, I think that's pretty darn good and im really proud! Baby Carson will be here September 29th and our 2 year wedding anniversary is october 12th!
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