Omg the smell of Cheetos and I used to love them Also brushing my teeth anytime day or night. My Chihuahua got sick and I tried to clean it up and ran to the bathroom. Needless to say I had my hubby clean of up.
I am queesy most of the day. Yesterday I was craving kfc. First of all the food really didn't look that good(buffet) but to make matters worse as soon as I sat down to eat a little girl sitting across from our table started to throw up! Needless to say I was done eating. Now evey time I think of kfc it makes my stomach turn.
@amipregnant Omg ur kfc has a buffet!? Ours doesn't everything sound yummy to me now. I'm 13w on Tuesday so the nausea and tiredness is starting to let up some thankfully. Now I want kfc tho lol.
And I used to love chocolate and the smell doesn't bug me but I just dont have a craving for it. This boy just wants salt and vinegar type foods and I'm ok whither that cuz its yummy! I'm salvating just thinking about it and I'm not even hungry lol. But hey give it 20 mins right lol.
The Thought of my dogs 2 week old puppies, bleh, if I see, look, or smell them then i know my food is gonna come up, they used to be cute and they would be for a normal person but not for me, o time to go gag...
Ya I cannot brush the back of my tongue like b4 I tread carefully lol @sands3 so that is a good sign keep us posted!
@Kimberly4411 I can understand the smell of puppies making u sick lol. My dogs breath makes me gag. And also the smell of his fur if its warm out and he comes back inside Omg its horrible! Hopefully u can enjoy those puppies soon. Just know its not ur fault they make u sick
Hmm well at first it was the smell of anything in the cafe I worked at (we male pizzas and the cheese bacon and mushrooms were the worse) now at seventeen weeks the only things that really make me gag are the smell of a public restroom(and the one at my job smells so bad I have to walk across the parking lot to cvs) and dirty dishes
And I used to love chocolate and the smell doesn't bug me but I just dont have a craving for it. This boy just wants salt and vinegar type foods
@Kimberly4411 I can understand the smell of puppies making u sick lol. My dogs breath makes me gag. And also the smell of his fur if its warm out and he comes back inside Omg its horrible! Hopefully u can enjoy those puppies soon. Just know its not ur fault they make u sick