what makes u gag or get sick?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Omg the smell of Cheetos and I used to love them :(
Also brushing my teeth anytime day or night.
My Chihuahua got sick and I tried to clean it up and ran to the bathroom. Needless to say I had my hubby clean of up.


  • The smell of peanut butter and it used to be my favorite :( and the brushing my teeth too. It sucks
  • Tooth brush, ppl smoking, and CHOCOLATE!
  • I am queesy most of the day. Yesterday I was craving kfc. First of all the food really didn't look that good(buffet) but to make matters worse as soon as I sat down to eat a little girl sitting across from our table started to throw up! Needless to say I was done eating. Now evey time I think of kfc it makes my stomach turn.
  • @amipregnant Omg ur kfc has a buffet!? Ours doesn't :( everything sound yummy to me now. I'm 13w on Tuesday so the nausea and tiredness is starting to let up some thankfully. Now I want kfc tho lol.

    And I used to love chocolate and the smell doesn't bug me but I just dont have a craving for it. This boy just wants salt and vinegar type foods :) and I'm ok whither that cuz its yummy! I'm salvating just thinking about it and I'm not even hungry lol. But hey give it 20 mins right lol.
  • Brushing my teeth and the smell of seafood and cheap perfume.
  • brushing teeth makes me gag every time..which i'd say about forty percent of the time leads to me actually getting sick.
  • Chocolate and I love it!
  • Apple pie :-S
  • I'm ttc and I gagged and came class to puking while brushing my teeth. That happened all the time when prego with my son, so maybe that's a good sign.
  • Everything makes me gag!!! Im always gaging for anything.. Ugh!!! Hate it..
  • The Thought of my dogs 2 week old puppies, bleh, if I see, look, or smell them then i know my food is gonna come up, they used to be cute and they would be for a normal person but not for me, o time to go gag...
  • Ya I cannot brush the back of my tongue like b4 I tread carefully lol @sands3 so that is a good sign keep us posted!

    @Kimberly4411 I can understand the smell of puppies making u sick lol. My dogs breath makes me gag. And also the smell of his fur if its warm out and he comes back inside Omg its horrible! Hopefully u can enjoy those puppies soon. Just know its not ur fault they make u sick :(
  • @Kingsmama thank you! I do feel bad, a week ago I was ok with them, but now my husband has to do everything
  • Brushing my teeth...and washing dishes. Even putting them in the dishwasher
  • @Kingsmama thank you and I will def keep yall posted. Af due tomorrow, if it doesn't show I'll be testing later in the week.
  • @sands3 well I'll keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer for u and hope that af doesn't show up :) wishing u the best blowing baby dust ur way!
  • Thank you so much!!! I'm ready to complete my family!
  • The smell of broccoli cooking. My hubby eats it.. I think it is gross anyways.. But wow! it has just hit me in the last week or so.
  • Everything started making me want to gag. It goes any where from a foul smell to the smell of my puppy :(
  • Mushrooms! Ugh...the smell makes me gag!
  • This burberry perfume my sis wears it makes me sickk its funny cux it used to b my fav perfume lol
  • Cooking raw meat makes me ill. My daughters poopoo diapers send me out the front door
  • Almost everything!!! Right now, all I can handle are mini bananas and cheesy things
  • @bex mmm cheese I'm loving that right now lol.
  • Brushing my tongue! Makes me gag so bad but besides that no morning sickness @ all!
  • Milk without Nestle Quick.... yukkkk
  • Hmm well at first it was the smell of anything in the cafe I worked at (we male pizzas and the cheese bacon and mushrooms were the worse) now at seventeen weeks the only things that really make me gag are the smell of a public restroom(and the one at my job smells so bad I have to walk across the parking lot to cvs) and dirty dishes :(
  • Haha thankfully I haven't had to use public bathrooms yet but I can only imagine gagging from that smell lol.
  • Sadly my bf breath, changing my nephews poops, anyone peeing infront of me, sometimes when I randomly think of something nasty.. prob more things too.
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