I'm due may 5th according to books. I have first sono the 14th. Had two hcg levels taken and everything is perfect so far. Always nervous as I have had 4 miscarriage's because of my genetic condition known as balanced translocation. Congrats to you
@tracy119 congrats to yuu too! Im due may 7th accordin to the books, just waitin to get my blood test results back then headin off to the doctor and hopefully goin for a ultrasound im sorry for yuur loss, i had a miscarriage in march this year so kinda scared
After miscarrying in March, my hubby and i decided to try again. Last month af showed her ugly face, so we tried again. Im in my tww right now. But if i get a bfp then ill be due May 27th. (fingers crossed)
Congrats to u all.... I had a miscarriage in January. It really hurt, I was scared to try again, AF, is 11 days late do I took a test today nd it came back positive... I'm excited, but really scared. My estimated due is May,14,2012....
@2ndtry congrats! i had a missed miscarriage in March, i have an ultrasound tomorrow to check for the heart beat so so scared, i hope everything goes well for yuu!
@loveourlittleone thanx hunn
Both of my kids were late (11 days overdue with my son, 8 days overdue with my daughter)
@MommyHeather congrats